Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello all, I am so glad to have found a place where there is so much warm and fuzzy. I have been confused my whole life about what I am, I think I'm more girl than man but at times it teeders. I absolutely love playing golf with the boys and then coming home changing into a dress, wig and make up and cooking a 5 coarse dinner. I have always wanted to be more open about my needs but usually they fall on deaf or closed minds. Im hoping to find some understanding people that understand. I am just south of Tacoma and if there are any others around, please get in touch, would love to hang out with others like me.
Happy to have you with us and like yourself many come here much confused myself included. Here enjoy your openness with same mined souls all experiencing their love to dress and feel as femmine as one can. Keep your search for friends near by as I'm sure in time you'll find one. But for now look for friends right here and are always looking to meet . Happy to meet you and welcome. 🌹
Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear and he is our bear to share just make sure fuzzy wuzzy has no hair! Jk
welcome and big hugs 🤗