Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello I am new here. But have been dressing since I was 12 off and on for the last 40 + years. I just came out to my wife and to my surprise she is being very supportive. And were in hopes of meeting other couples in a similar situation in our are area. We live in NH and it would be great to get together with others as I cant always dress at home as the kids always drop in. I would to eventually get my nerve up to go out in public. It would be nice to go out as a group with the spouses. But It will be baby steps for me. Have a wonderful day.
Hello Josie,
like you I've been very interested in crossdressing...but years have gone by and it was suppressed. My current wife has really let me be me....I came out a few months ago when we were in Provincetown. What a feeling.
I live in Vermont....like to meet up with you and socialize. It's hard being up here in this area but there are others who just don't want to come forward.
keep in touch and maybe we can meet. This site is so friendly to us gurls..
Thank you .And I hope we get to chat some time
Well hello there Chandra We Must be some kind of lucky to have supportive spouses that let us be us. I do hope we get to chat sometime. Have a wonderful evening.
Hi Josie,
Welcome to CDH! It is a great place to learn, get support and find friends through chat, articles or forum entries. I, too have a supportive wife and always happy to hear when other have a similar experience. I'm in MA and still not out yet other than my wife and well all the amazing ladies here. - hugs, Michelle
Good morning Michelle and thank you for the welcome. I do hope we get to chat some time. If it wasn't for the wife's support. I would still be in the closet. I am really thinking about dressing this weekend and going for a foliage ride though the white mountains this weekend with the wife of course. If I don't lose my courage and chicken out. I would be the first time out of the house. Where In Ma are you from if I may ask? Have a wonderful day.
Josie , wonderful to hear your wife is supportive . Here you have many who will support you also. To talk to ,share a story or two or just to listen. I too soon will hopefully have my own experience and venture out. Still waiting but slowly planning this. This is a beautiful place and I hope you enjoy being part of. Very nice meeting you and look forward to seeing you soon .
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Josie!You are going to love it here.I have only been here for a couple of days and the Ladies and Girls here are more than great.I am still trying to learn how to navigate around here.Be patient I guess,I think you,like me,have just found a new and wonderful home.
welcome to the site josie, I am sure you will get much support here as I do. great to hear you have a supportive wife, it really helps and takes a huge burden off your mind. hoping you enjoy many more happy years ahead of you, enjoying what you do. 🙂
fiona xx
Good afternoon Chandra I would love to chat some time. We do go up to Burlington from time to time. Where in Vermont are you Of I may ask? Have a wonderful evening.
Welcome, Miss Josie. I absolutely love this website. So many wonderful and inspiring ladies and everyone is positive. It's heartwarming to read about everyone's crossdressing experiences and share some of my own. Baby steps are definitely the way to go. Add me if you'd like. 🙂
Hello Josie,
Glad you are here, Welcome.
-Terri Anne