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Hello everyone. I'm Rachel from the Netherlands. I'm in my late forties, been married for 20 years, and I have two almost grown up kids.
I don't actively cross dress at the moment, but I'm trying to get to know my "femme me" better. So hoping to have some girl talk and make some new friends. 🙂
Best wishes,
Welcome to the site Rachel. Lots of nice people to talk to. I hope you will find what you are looking for!
Hi Rachel, welcome and in for a nice chat? I live in Flanders. Add me if you like.
Welcome Rachel!
Thank you for the kind welcome, ladies!
Hi Rachel,
I am sure you will find many supportive and caring new friends
here. There are plenty of good articles to read, Forums to check
out and groups to join. Chat rooms are fun and informative. All
of these things make up a special safe community of like minded
people. - Terri Anne
Rachel , happy to meet you and pleased to welcome you here . Netherlands such a beautiful place , I reside from Canada and its so wonderful meeting girls like you and myself from different parts of this confusing world trouble in so many ways but with a common interest and a passion for a softer more peaceful world , one with many enjoying the feeling of being that lady we so desire . Lots to talk about , much to read and friendships always a wonderful feeling to make in this wonderful community . Hum.... 2 (ALL) most grown kids , with me all grown now and ( fly kiddies fly ) and boy does life start to moving when you have the freedom to bring out your inner self .. Rachel out more to be herself. ... lol!!! . very nice meeting you .. Stephanie...
Thank you for that lovely welcome. It's great to find so many understanding ladies here. It feels both terrifying and exhilarating to be in girly mode, even if it's only virtual.