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Active Member     Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

New and scared, but I see I'm not the only one. I am a 25 year old closet cross dresser. I havent dressed in several years, but the urge never left. About a year ago, I had a friend jokingly guess this was something I was into, I decided to be honest with her about it. She has been nothing but overly supportive, but that also scares me. I have been a nervous wreck since, and have decided that I must acknowledge this side of me... Joining this site is my first effort of finding community and I really hope to find some understanding, or a better understanding myself.

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Trusted Member     Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome to a safe space, hun.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Your certainly in the right place. Much can be found here from our articles to forums written by girls like yourself asking the questions they are wanting to know and others with their personal experiences many have. An up grade is needed to have access to theses wonderful forums but well worth it. It's so nice to have support from a friend and now have a few more here to help, offer tips and advice but most importantly total acceptance in this wonderful world. Friends are always fun to make so browse through our site and feel part of a a community that cares . So nice to meet you and sweetie you must decide on a name . Having one and being mentioned as such is a wonderful feeling indeed. Welcome. ..

Stephanie 🌹

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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome. You're in a friendly place. Yes we've all been scared at some time, the first few steps are terrifying. We look forward to you growing here with us. A beautiful new name that fits with who you want to be another good step; when you are ready.

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It's not exactly healthy to suppress your feelings and urges to dress. Dressing does not hurt anyone and in fact can be a rewarding experience. You're fortunate to have a very supportive friend. Continue discussions with her it's good for you to communicate that way about your feelings. I also at this time think it's important to slip on a skirt and relax for a time... it's been a long time to hold that feeling back....


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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi and welcome N to CDH!  Joining can be a great step in not only getting support but learning as you go along your journey.  I know I was scared and still am at times but being a part of this site has helped tremendously.  So please check out the amazing articles & forum posts, there are many sage words and good advice throughout.  Please feel free to reach out and ask questions, I am happy to help anytime. - Hugs,


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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hello there "Nameless One". First step is to think about a female name for yourself......should be something that expresses yourself but I leave that up to you. Do feel free to chat withn us girls about anything....we all love to assist. My door is always come in and chat.


Lookin forward to getting to know you better.........till then........


Dame Veronica

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Hi N, and welcome. As all of us girls, you must have a mind and guts. Those two might disagree. That's life. But when they do agree to let you feel as girly as you do then, let nothing stop you. You only live once, darling.

Always in for a chat,

Warm hugs, Catarina

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Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Welcome! I will not call you Nameless one since you have a name but have not yet found it.

Posts: 52
Trusted Member     Atlanta, Georgia, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hun, if you need a jump start—JUST a start—search out baby names for your birth year.  “Try on” the girls name opposite yours in the list.  You don’t even have to leave the dressing room if you don’t like it! 😉

Posts: 1766
Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

hi and welcome. you are in the right place, any questions or fears can be answered here. since I joined, I have never known such a friendly, welcoming bunch of people as on here. I really hope you enjoy your time here!

fiona xxx

Posts: 114
Estimable Member     Prescott, Arizona, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Nameless one.
Welcome to CDH, it's pretty normal to be scared we have all gone through it. Whether your worried that you get caught while dressing or getting clocked (caught) while your out of the house dressed in femme.
This is a petty great site for us CD's and anyone interested in becoming trans. Feel free to make friends and ask questions about anything here. We are a great bunch of girls so don't be afraid to ask any thing.
I'm just getting back in the swing again, had a bout with cancer but it's pretty much over now. Read my story if you'd like it's in the archives.

Your pretty luck to have a friend that guessed about you. I hope you are honest with one another.

Enjoy Love Jenna


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