Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello everyone,
I've had some life changes recently and am seeking some support from the community.
I've been crossdressing for over 20 years, starting around age 12. Its been an off and on thing for me, kind of a binge and purge cycle for years. I've never really wanted to become a woman, however its almost like I enjoy being in a womans "skin". To wear womans clothing. My wife of 4 years recently discovered my secret life. It was not an easy time to say the least. We started counseling and it has helped tremendously. She is somewhat accepting, however still has a hard time understanding.
As I read though posts on here I can connect with many of you. Alot of the same thoughts and feelings. It is nice not to feel so alone. I would love to make some friends and have good conversation!
Hi. I am the wife of a crossdresser who recently told me after 20 years. It has been hard and I found this site. I talked to other wives yesterday and that has been helpful.
Welcome! Lovely to see another 32 year-old here, especially another married one! Being here has helped me a whole lot over the last year.
B... welcome . Your wife discovering your secert is certainly a difficult step as I know just years ago but not like you I just started dressing in the last couple of years so for me it was very difficult. But joining in here help me in so many ways. Meeting with, chatting, sharing stories and best of all making friends was instrumental for me to accept myself and to have the confidence to pursue further . My wife has been supportive but with caution and has help me in little ways. She was upset, hurt disgusted , and most of all angry at me me. for why ? but not telling her earlier. Boundaries were discussed and agreements were met. I now enjoy my passion and am looking forward moving forward ,so who knows where this adventure lies. Many love to chat and with some make wonderful friends. Best to you on your travels and happy to meet you.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome B!
Willkommen B! That first talk with your SO can be tough. Mine was accepting but felt betrayed because i had kept the secret for so long
Welcome B. Starr to CDH.
Welcome to our world B.