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I've been dressing for a long time, close to 30 years and enjoy various different styles but I stopped dressing 5 years ago. However I've recently returned to it after doing some inner searching about myself and who I am. Now I can't wait to get some new pictures done and get my outfits sorted again (though this may take some time).
Love Charlotte x
Welcome Charlotte. A lot of us can identify with your story. Welcome to CDH, we are glad you are here.
Charlotte, trying to figure who we are is certainly a taunting task but now you are among friends. We understand how you must be feeling and here is a good place to explore and discover who you are. 5 years certainly a time away and like many of us including myself theses feelings seem to always majestically reappear drawing us to reminisce experiences from our past. As we follow different paths we all looking for a common goal to transform ourselves to be that lady we feel inside. Meet with them ,talk to and share each others experiences through this wonderful world we have chosen. Enjoy your time with us and know your part of a caring community of support and acceptance for all , welcome..
Stephanie 🌹
Thank you both. It is good to know that I'm not alone.
Welcome back. Except for pantyhose which I always wear I didn't dress for over 20 years, The kids moved out and my wife mentioned how we are like back to where we started. She was a watching a show with drag queens and reminded me of how I used to do that. I should do it again.
Although I donated or discarded most of my wardrobe, I kept a few of my favorites I couldn't bear to part with. I located the box and went to try on a couple of outfits. There was a couple of pairs of shoes, one a sexy pair of stilettos. Be still my heart. I,loved them so. Surprisingly they fit fine and I was able to walk in them like I hadn't worn them in maybe a couple of weeks. There was a few dresses, some skirts, a few matching bra and panty sets and several pairs of very nice sexy panties. Looking at these things I was surprised I had the nerve to wear them and what a bad girl I could be when I did.
Putting them on I also realized how much smaller I used to be. I squeezed into a couple of things and went out to show the wife. Oh no that won't do. You need new things. Out we went to get a few dresses, some skirts and tops to match. Had to have a few packs of some pretty and colorful high cut micro fiber and nylon panties. And bras. Have to have bras. Don't forget pantyhose. Never can have too many of them. And if your doing Patty again you will need them. How many of each item we bought was determined by what we liked and their availability in my size. We had a nice size haul thought. Very good for getting started again.
What else? Make up and cosmetics. Have to have them. What else? Hair. We went to a party store. I recalled seeing wigs there. They had several that lo0ked pretty good. Of course, on the package photo, a pretty girl was wearing them. Which on to get? Which style? What color? Get them all! It reminded me of my younger dressing days. Cant decide, just get everything.
I couldn't wait to get home and start wearing these things. I picked out the dress I thought I liked best. I chose a bra I thought would go with the dress nicely. I had to wear a pair of the pretty lacy silk panties. I tried on the wigs. I found I liked the shoulder length straight hair with bangs the best. I had blonde and brown. I chose the blonde.
I felt so right. So comfortable and natural. Like this is how I'm supposed to dress. I checked out myself in mirrors. WOW!. The legs in pantyhose, sexy shoes and short dress. The pretty hair. I loved it. Last thing. Makeup. I hadn't done that in so long and was never good at it. My wife helped Me. It was wonderful. So good to be Patty again.
Hi Charlotte, welcome 🙂
Hi Charlotte !
Welcome to CDH!
Welcome Charlotte!