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I played dress up for a few years when I was young. After puberty I was into the manly stuff football and bull riding. Looking back I wore a lot of flowery shirts all the time and other guys would make comments about it. I have always had a fascination for women’s under garments. It would almost take my breath away being in the lady’s wear at a department store. But I never acted on any of my desires until about a year and a half ago. Another story in its self. Today I have two dresser drawers full of cloths and closet space next to my wife’s things. I have support with my dressing. But my head is spinning with all the other emotions going through my head. I joined CDH in hopes of learning more about what it is I have suppressed for so long.
Thanks for your time
Hi Sharon,
A warm welcome from the UK, it is lovely to meet you. There are lots of friendly people here who can offer you advice and support, I am sure you will find both.
Jessica x.
hi Sharon
I am very similar too you in the fact i have done "manly" stuff all my life and still do to a certain degree.
I am from the UK and surprise surprise never did Bull Riding but i Played competive Soccer for 50yrs and still play when i go back to the UK.
I love to wear nice fem clothes and heels aswell. I am at the moment a crosdresser but i would like to go up to the next stage and become a transvestite and go places ie clubs and bars and be excepted as i am.
Hi Sharon, welcome 🙂
Welcome Sharon, you will enjoy CDH, a friendly and supportive community. It's great that you have the support of your wife. I also did manly sports, even played college football, but the girl was always there. Enjoy all the articles and forums here.
Hi Sharon, there's plenty of help her , lots of experiences to learn from & wonderful girls to assist 😊 Tiff
Hello Sharon!
Sharon, this is certainly the place to learn what brings us to do this and looking into reasons why. Look into our forums written by others who talk about their experiences. Many question why they have been surpressing this and for some many many years of hiding. Girls here are wonderful, just ask your questions with many offering help and advice so everyone can understand better on so many confusing topic . Many face this troubling ordeal but be asured you have that support and help from everyone here . Relax, get comfortable and enjoy being part of this wonderful community that really does care for all that passes through our doors. Very happy meeting you and welcome.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Sharon,
Welcome to the friendliest place,
Nikki x
OMG I love your profile picture. I think that picture hits the nail on the head for some of us here. You say it very well in your profile too "My body is not very feminine. What's up with my mind ?" I think there's more than a few of us who have that exact thought.
Welcome Sharon !
I was raised a manly man, like it or not. I think I know much of how your feel.
Welcome to CDH. The ladies here are friendly and are willing to share support, advice and tips. Participate in the forums, chatroom and learn how to navigate the site. Don't be shy because we're pretty friendly. I hope to see your around the site.
Welcome Sharon!
Welcome Sharon,
Bull riding oh my! I love rodeos. I'm there with you on growing up being manly with this pink fog swirling around.
Hi Sharon and welcome!
Hi Sharon. Welcome to CDH. You have made an excellent decision.