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ive been gender confused sence puberty and i never liked my image in the mirror. in high school i wanted so much to be like the cheerleaders. but i was a boy. i started cross dressing in privite its been 30 years sence then. i ventured out as a women this year and came out to my friends. i havent come out to my parents yet witch is difficult because i live with them. when i go out i have to change in bathrooms. i get strange looks when i do. i so wish i had my own place.
Since I live ALONE there is no problem about me changing, just a nosy neighbor that makes it hard to get to my auto that is parked out in the open..
Hi Dani !
Welcome to CDH ! The ladies here share their support, advice and tips with each other as well as experiences. Allow me to suggest that you take the time to learn how to navigate the site. Read some articles and forums. Read some member profiles to see what kind of information people share to allow people to know them better and maybe update your profile so we can get to know you better. Most of all feel free to participate. We’re very friendly here.
Welcome Dani to CDH. You will enjoy this friendly and supportive community.
Dani, Welcome to Cdh. Here at least you can enjoy the company of many like yourself expressing their femininity for all to see. Meet with, talk with and with some devolope wonderful friendships. A place of support and understanding for all that passes. Nice meeting you and looking forward to seeing you here soon..
Welcome Dani!