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Hello Everyone!
As I am new to this community, I would be rather inconsiderate of me to begin posting and responding to posts without a "proper" introduce, so here it is!
My name here is "Ghige" and if you read my bio, it will explain how and why I selected this name. I am not new to the world of crossdressing as I have been doing so for as long as I can remember. It was not until very recently, however, that I started taking my love of heeled boots, in particular, out into public. During the autumn, 2023, I came across another website for both men and women who love wearing high heels and after reading so many encouraging stories there, I decided to take my first steps out in heeled boots. The problem at the other web-based forum is that as I am new, my postings must be approved by a moderator and this can take up to a month to happen before anyone can read them. Thus, following a bit of research, I can across this forum and decided to join.
I am thrilled to be part of a community where I can discuss what is such a part of whom I am and always have been. Over the years, I always thought that I was destined to be a "private" crossdresser, only doing so in the comfort and "safety" of my residence. I have always wanted to tell someone, anyone who would listen, about my love of wearing an outfit that included heeled boots and a miniskirt without judgement. Sadly, many reasons prevented me from doing so. Now, here I can tell "everyone" that yes, I love wearing a great miniskirt with a pair of heels and have others let me know that they feel the same.
One topic that I am sure most every crossdresser must face is if others (i.e. wife and/or family) are aware of such. My situation in this regard is rather complicated. I have been happily married for over 31 years and very recently told my wife about my crossdressing. She is accepting of it but to what degree remains to be determined. Our "problem" is that I am involved in a very long distance marriage as my wife lives and works overseas (non-military) and has not been with me when I am simply wearing a pair of heels or in "full" crossdressing mode. She has expressed her wish for me to do whatever I want (within reason, of course) to find personal happiness and fulfillment, even if that means crossdressing. So, where we stand on this is somewhat unresolved at the moment. I think that it will not be be a "big" issue what I wear or how I present myself has not and will not affect whom I am or how I feel about her.
Finally, as I could roll on for pages and pages, I want to conclude with letting a wish be known. I would love nothing more than to meet other members of this community, in person, just to share a drink, dinner, or whatever and talk about what it is to be a crossdresser/transgender and not only the challenges we face, but the enjoyment and satisfaction we derive from it. Unfortunately, I live in an extra-large small town where the possibility of doing so is very limited. Thus, if there are ever any events where this such be the reason for getting together, I would love to attend. That which I want more than all else at the moment is to be out in public in a miniskirt and heels, and to interact with others who may be dressed the same way. Sadly, where I currently reside, such may be frowned upon for many reasons.
Oh, one more point...I recently started writing a blog about my new adventures while wear high heels in public. Hopefully, in time, it will evolve to include stories about wearing skirts, uncovered heels, and the like out and about. Right now, however, the blog is in its infancy but I plan on adding a new post every other Sunday, and I have about a year's worth of material waiting to go!
CDH site guidelines mean that I can't post a direct link to my blog here. If you would like more details, please send me a PM.
Thank you so much!
Welcome to CDH. You will find a lot of supportive people here and great advise. You can look up who lives in your state by going under the Social tab and at the bottom search for friends. The search will allow you to narrow it down to state or even city, if you wish. I did my state (Michigan) and found 470 others like me. Good luck and keep the communications going. -Traci
Hi Ghige,
Welcome to CDH. You’ll meet many very nice people here. Enjoy perusing the site.
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive with, as Alice said, many nice people here!
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi Ghige, welcome to CDH, and thank you for that super intro. I love the origin story of your name.
You're in very good company here, with a supportive sisterhood of ladies who love to chat about what we do and why we do it. There's tons of really varied experience to drawn on, so don't be shy with your questions; you're sure to receive great replies.
I'm looking forward to having a read of your blog.
Take care.
Hi Ghige,
Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven. I’m new here too.
Ghige -
Welcome to CDH. You will find this to be a friendly place where you can share your journey, get advice and make friends. Be sure to check out the articles and forums, as well as joining the conversation in the chat room. A unique and interesting name and intriguing the way you came up with it. I also enjoy wearing boots with heels as well as high heels. I have 2 pair of ankle boots that I have worn in public (with my wife's consent) and it was a thrill doing so. When worn with jeans they looked like cowboy boots (although one pair has a cut out design on the side but the jeans covered it). Thank you for sharing your story about your wife, she sounds like a wonderful woman to accept this part of you as she has. Hope to see you in chat.