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I am seeking friends here in Northwest Indiana. I am 51 yrs old and want to make new friends from around the world and locally. I am closeted atm and interested in learning more. I have been crossdressing and purging for years now and I feel it is an appropriate time to stop purging. I am looking to network, trade ideas, and swap makeup tricks and tips. I have a fair idea of what looks good on me and I love every aspect of what makes you, YOU! Thanks for your time.
Welcome, Pat! It's very nice to meet you. I sure hope you enjoy being on CDH. It's a great community!
All the best to you!
Hello and welcome Pat! This is a great place to accomplish just what you’re looking to do, meet others, get advice and support, and just be yourself without judgement. We’ve all been through the dress, feel guilty, purge routine. Enjoy your journey!
Welcome to CDH. I am not in your area but you will find friends in no time. My story is similar to yours, off and on for years, but have decided to be on and enjoy the journey.
Pat, welcome. This is a beautiful place to be if your new to this wonderful world. Meet many of our ladies who are always willing to offer their help and advice to help you be better understand this amazing feelings . Just ask your questions and many are happy to offer their help. To dress is such an exhilarating experience and so much fun when you can share it with others . Enjoy your time here and know your among friends who really do care about each other and who we are. Hugs
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome to CDH Pat.So glad that you have stopped purging.I haven't purged for eight yearI don't regret it.At 59 I am not dissimilar in age to you.We probably have much in commo .
Welcome Pat!
I have no doubt whatso ever that we do!! It is still a bit alien to me to be able to be so open and free about my interests here. But I am changing a few things about me and my surroundings. I am finally in a place in life that I can do these things. It is pure joy now..