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<p style="text-align: center;">I have crossdressing ever since I was 11. However have always keep it to myself but I am now to looking expand my dressing and I am looking for like minded people chat and to mentor me to help progress and expand my experiences. I'd heavily gender confused to point were I have considered transitioning in the pass but was 100% sure if it was what want. I am heavily sexually submissive but do switch some times. Looking forward to meeting you all, love Ally.</p>
Alice , happy to welcome you and being excited about this you have certainly started this journey right. From someone just starting to the well experience everyone here enjoys the support and acceptance that is truly unique. Be free to express yourself with many like yourself and with no judgements. Love to chat and share stories and make new friendships. Being confused about your gender, just get comfortable and enjoy being part of a special place that really cares about everyone that passes through our doors. Very nice meeting you. I do love your name. ..
Stephanie 🌹
Thank you for the reply stephanie
I am really looking forward to getting to know everyone and make relationships with other like minded individuals.
Also thanks for the kind word about my gender identity it some thing that I have really struggle with and has effect my mind sit lead to a few mental health issues before but I am glad to say I am in a much better place now.
Much love alex
Ps have changed my public name to Alice it has lot importance to me🤗
Yes I do love your name. Alice most fitting!!! A name is something very special and brings that true feminine calling. My first time being referred to as Stephanie stunned me to no end . A feeling even today tickles me still. Happy your you feeling better and the best to you in your journey here with us.
Stephanie 😚
Hi Alice , CDH is a place you'll no doubt enjoy , lots of different experiences amongst everyone here , certainly happy I joined 6 weeks ago , I can relate to your gender confusion ☺ Tiff
Hi Alice,
A warm welcome. I am sure you will find many nice girls here willing to help. Many of us have struggled with our gender identity and can relate to what you say. I look forward to chatting with you in the future.
Jessica x
Welcome to CDH Alice.Looking forward to getting to know you.I am very friendly and love t9 chat to other members of the group about all things girly.Drop me a p.m. if you wish.
Thanks for the reply Roberta I am looking forward to getting know everyone
Lots of love Alice
Hi Jessica
It nice to know that I am not the only one with these struggles and that people can relate to me.
Thanks tiff for the nice reply
<p style="text-align: left;">Thank stephine my ex girlfriend gave me the name. I was very in love with her and I would very broken when she left me for more manly man but we did have our problems.</p>
Lots of love
Welcome Alice. You have come to the right place for support and girls who can relate. Look forward to getting to know you.
Hello Alice,
I am also new here, so I'll be pleased if we could share some CD experiencies in future... Or just chat...
And welcome 🙂
Thanks Rachel
Welcome Alice!