Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi everyone, I'm Frida from Mississippi and I am ready to make some new friends, especially ones close to me, and taking to guess work out of the art of crossdressing.
Hi, Frida welcome to CDH. You will find supportive sisters here
Frida, welcome. We can be found very much everywhere and in time being here I’m sure you’ll find someone close to where your from. Here you have many also to chat ,share each other’s experiences with and with some make wonderful friendships. Enjoy all that we have to offer and hope your journey now can be explore with help and support from a community that cares . Very nice meeting you.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Frida.A warm welcome to CDH.I am sure that you will find much of interest on this site.
Hi Fridays, it's the guessing, experimentation and spontaneous creativity that really appeals to me!
Cross dressing is an art in the same way that life is, in my opinion, just with the added benefit of pulling in live performance art!
Love Laura
Hello Frida !
Welcome to CDH ! You have come to the right place. The ladies here are very friendly and share support, advice and tips. I suggest reading some forums, articles and profiles. Say hello in the chat room. Send some friend requests to ladies who seem to fit well with you.
I am sure there are some members from your area or not to far. This is the perfect place for someone who is considering transitioning as many of the members here are in various stages of transitioning themselves.
Apologies for the odd effects caused by my phone's aggressive auto-correct function, Frida!
I no longer seem to be able to edit the original post...
Love Laura
That's ok, just knowing you are here is awesome in and of itself
Hello and welcome Frida! Lots of great information to be found here. Enjoy exploring!
Welcome Frida!