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Hello everyone, I'm Amy.

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Hello everyone, I just want to start by saying it makes me so happy to find so many girls like myself. A place where I can be me without judgement.

So to start off I've been dressing ever since I can remember. It has always just left like that's what I'm supposed to be wearing. But my parents felt different. Got in a lot of trouble for sneaking my moms, sisters, and some friends of the family's clothes. I would quit for a while or purge, but would always go back. Like I was not me without it. Moving forward some years I got married. My then wife was "ok" with it as long as it was just under things. We eventually divorced, not because of the dressing. My current wife knew about my dressing, and other stuff also before we married. She again was "ok" with it and even enjoyed dressing up with me. But she too is not as supportive as she once was. Its frustrating and a little depressing that the people who are supposed to love you the most are so hurtful. "I just want normal" is what I was told. So again I have to hide everything except my panties. But now they are starting to become a problem also. Ugh sorry. Lol. Kinda went off there.

It's not just about the clothes for me. I do like to crossdress but I wish I could wear girls clothes and it just be called wearing clothes. I've always wanted to be a girl. Hopefully one day I can transition. It's scary. I won't be accepted by anyone I know if I do. Being raised my a pastor it's very hard.

I also have some questions about sizing, if anyone can help. I'm a bbw and I'm having trouble figuring out what size will fit.

Thank you all in advance. I would say you don't know what this means to me to have so many supporters, but you do know.

Hugs and kisses,



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Welcome Amy.  You've come to the right place.  Ive noticed that alot SO are accepting at the beginning but over time they tend to resent it so your not alone.  You won't believe how many of us are out here.  All my best. Mikayla

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Hi Makayla,

Thank you for the comment. Growing up I did think I was alone. But here lately I have realized there are more girls like me. Its comforting to be in like company. But also feel sad for the ones that have to go through it. Thank you again.


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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Amy  ;sorry to hear about your struggles through your life . Having support  is so important  and from someone  close to oneself is such a blessing and not having this acceptance certainly  is difficult to deal with. know that here you have the support from many here, to talk to, share your thoughts and most of all receive the advice and tips to help better yourself in our fascinating world of dressing. Look into our forums and some very informative articles and learn much of being that lady you want so much to be. Clothing sizes "Oh yes" certainly a mind bender. As for me it took a little time and yes a boo boo at times but it began comimg together,  still learning and now I'm proud to assemble a  small wardrobe and always looking to buy more. Enjoy all that we have  and enjoy learning as you journey forward to this  wonderful world . Welcome and hope  to see you here.

Stephanie 🌹

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Hi Amy and welcome to CDH. is hard and it is people who make you cry with their indifference or outright hatred for no valid reason. you will be our new sister and loved with all our hearts. WE love to assist and answer questions and just be good buddies! I look forward to learning more about door is always come in...pull up a chair, set a spell and let's chat.   Till then........

Your new Sister

Dame Veronica

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I'm not petite by any means, feel free to PM me with questions on sizing.


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