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<p style="text-align: left;">Hello everyone. Just recently admitted to myself and fiancee that I enjoyed to CD. While growing up would try my mother's clothes while everyone was gone. Had other viewing interests that turned from watching her to wanting to be her.</p>
My fiancee soon to be wife in a months time @.@ was thrown for a loop but is still by my side! More time together and talking is always a good thing. Instead of a video game. We all have other interests/hobbies.
Admitted it to myself to break everyday stress, have fun and to really figure out if that's really a part of me or just an interest. I'm loving the journey but finding out its not cheap. A good thrift store goes a long ways.
Welcome Lenus, you are right about thrift stores. You will enjoy CDH as you discover who you are on this journey.
Welcome to the site!! Have fun!
Lenus welcome, this is certainly the place to figure these parts of you and with the company of many like yourself. Congrats on your coming wedding and she sounds like a wonderful girl and her still wanting you even after opening up . Respect her and most importantly for her to have say in decisions into your desires for dressing. Communications is a must for both being able to accept changes in theses relationships. The best to you and enjoy your journey here with us.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Michelle
we have a great SO community. Feel free to invite your Fiancée to join CDH.
I an. Genetic Woman who is engaged to a CD. I have been with CDH for over a year and a half. You will meet some awesome peeps here that hopefully you can call friends.
Hi Lenus
A warm welcome from the UK. There are a lot of friendly people here, I look forward to seeing you around the site.
Jessica x
Welcome Lenus !
I had to look up that name.... so interesting and different. According to one site I found it means. "You always bring to completion anything you start."
I'm glad your fiancee is supportive and in my opinion sharing this before marriage was the right thing to do for you both.
Welcome Lenus!
Thank you Autumn, I didn't even know that! It was a name I used in an online game I played for years. You put yourself into those characters.
I picked Lenus as it does sound like a strong name male or female, personally I didn't feel like a name ending in "a" was me. Lenus is unique 😉
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome.