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Hello Ladies, Gents and anyone in between.
I'm Clare a 63 year old from Royston which near Cambridge, married for 33 years and told my wife about my crossdressing in January 2019.
When I was about 11 I saw my elder sister's school tights laying on the floor of her bedroom and curiosity took over and had to try them on - bingo, they felt great and fitted very well. Over the next few months I tried on more of her clothes, nobody ever knew because she was so untidy, I didn't need to rummage through her wardrobe as it was there on the floor. Must say that I sort of enjoyed being feminine even to the point of wearing one of her sanitary towels with a belt!
Puberty and football took over for a few years but I still kept thinking about female clothes but tried to ignore the urge to dress, quite hard work but I was a man wasn't I?
In my early twenties I met a girl and we set up home together, she had a load of lovely clothes which I couldn't resist, I dressed in her things whenever I could. After a while we decided to split, nothing to do with the dressing just life.
After a couple of years I met my wife and we had a son, crossdressing was pushed far far away trying to make the best life for my family. Once my son had grown up and left home I got my yearnings to dress again and did so every now and again using my wife's clothes. About five years ago I retired from work and having the house to myself dressed more and more, it felt so natural, I was so much more relaxed. To be honest I needed more, so bought a wig and experimented with makeup, I felt great. The urge to go out was so great that I went down to our local high street at dusk and mingled with the shoppers, nobody took any notice of a little old dear tottering around. A few months ago I told my wife about my little hobby and she was shocked but supportive, quite a good result as you hear of marriages coming to the end over such matters.
The future, who knows. Really want to get out in public a lot more if I can avoid the neighbours, and enjoy my feminine time.
Well done if you have got this far!
Clare x
Hi Clare
Nice to have a friendly face around. Hope to speak soon.
Jessica x.
Hi Jessica,
Thought I'd give it a go on your recommendation!
Welcome Clare. You will meet a lot friends here who will be supportive. It is great that your wife is on board with you. You will enjoy CDH.
Thanks Michelle for the welcome, it's very kind of you.
Clare, isn’t it wonderful when you have support from someone so close to ones heart . Having your wife’s acceptance certainly makes this journey most fulfilling. I too enjoy this but with full agreement as she needs to be a important part in these decisions. I too opened up to my wife just a couple of years ago after many years of marriage. At 59 at the time it was a difficult period , very emotional but she was fantastic and now were on a wonderful journey together. Liberty’s are a blessing and never taken for granted . In the last 6 months I've been out in public and even attended a conference. It's amazing how one's journey can go when confinance starts showing itself. You now have many here to help in expressing yourself with total acceptance and a confinance to explore more. Happy to welcome you and enjoy your time with us.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Stephanie,
Thanks for the welcome and for taking the time to write and give me an insight into your relationship. Looking forward to building up friendships with other people on here. My main aim is to go out more often as Clare and hopefully with the support of my wife and other girls this will happen.
Clare x
Welcome Clare!
Hi Stephanie P,
Thanks for getting in touch, nice to hear from another girl in Hertfordshire even if I'm only just within the county boundary, another quarter of a mile and I'd be in Cambridgeshire.
It's good to hear that you get to go out fairly regularly, taking your dog for a walk, I regularly go out for walks in the country by myself just to get from under my wife's feet but to be honest I've never thought of dressing feminine and going out - how bloody stupid is that! Have to think what I could wear - any suggestions?
Never experienced the "Pink Fog" but I do fancy having nice little breasts wishing I could find a way of having some without drugs. Think my "Pink Fog" is more like a "Foggy Dew"
Clare x
Welcome Clare !
Hi Clare, I'm from the UK, North Midlands. I'm 62, as far as I know no one knows about me except the girls on CDH. I love it here, talking about clothes and other things. I'm sure you'll enjoy being with us. Hugs, Helen.
Hi Helen,
Thanks for the welcome, it does seem friendlier than a few other sites I've visited.
Hopefully we will keep in touch.
Clare x
Thanks for the welcome Autumn Valiant.
Clare x