Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello everyone,
Well, here I am again, after another year of hiding away from even the CD /TG community. I have spent faaaaar too much time stuck inside my own head and need to express myself more, even if it is only on a forum. If anyone does recognise the name, it’s because I used to have a profile on a UK-centric TV website. However, I left it behind due to the toxicity of, admittedly, a small number of users. This may be my final attempt at trying to draw the real me to the surface before it, for practical / age related reasons as much as anything else, becomes too late to be worth the effort.
I have adored all things feminine for as far back as I can remember. As a youngster I wanted desperately to be the ballerina, the cheerleader, the lingerie model, the 80s exercise girl etc. etc. (you all know the drill) but concealed it all behind many layers through which very little has been allowed in. Even less was allowed out for decades.
Apart from expressing my femme side I like music (I‘m not a musician), comedy (I’m not a comedian), cinema (I’m not an actor) & theatre (ditto). Sadly all done in a mode so drab I wouldn’t stand out in a crowd of two.
Interesting fact. Erm, I don’t own a television. There’s only room for one TV in my place dahlinks.
Thank you for reading this and looking forward to getting to know some like-minded souls on here in time.
Hi Beren and welcome!
Welcome Beren to what I'm sure you know is a wonderful place to chat amd ask .I have a TV in my house but not CDs except Samantha x
HI Beren!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Hopefully, you won't hide away at CDH as the girls here are the best!
I laughed out loud at this: like like music (I‘m not a musician), comedy (I’m not a comedian), cinema (I’m not an actor) & theatre (ditto).
Well, at least you like all those!
I have a few loves too that I am either not those (like you I like music, but not a musician), or not very good at.
I think that allows us to appreciate those who can do things we love well and their talent.
Again, welcome to CDH!
Hi and welcome. Im in the UK also and lived in the north west for 30 years.
This forum has helped me in ways very quickly so I hope you stick around a while.
As far as how old you are is concerned, I really wouldn't worry too much about it as many of us here are of a certain age. Looking at the photographs on your profile, I really don't think you have very much to worry about at all! Gorgeous.
You are home Beren. No toxicity here girl. Just a whole bunch of lovely supportive ladies who will be happy to make your acquaintance. Welcome from another UK girl. Oh, couple of gorgeous pics btw.
Hugs, Chrissie xx.
Hi Beren,
Welcome to CDH it's nice to meet you we are like one big happy family on here so don't be shy come on in and join the family,
I'm a mature crossdresser I've been dressing most of my life since i was about 8 or 9 years old when i tried my older sister's lingerie on I'm still in the closet to my family,
I'm a UK girl too I'm down in Shropshire, I'm sure there are lots of girls near to where you live who will be happy to meet up with you for a coffee and a chat I'm sure you will find lots of friends on here so if you have any questions just ask and the girls will get back to you X
Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗
Welcome from over the boarder in Yorkshire
Welcome to CDH from the south west
I'm North West (UK) too. I hope you find a place for you here and I understand the toxicity of some sites. I hope you find this a place to just "be you".
Hi Beren and welcome in to this warm, supportive sisterhood, from another UK girl closer to London. This will be the place that you need it to be, I think. Relax, let it go and be you honey, you're home 🙂
Fiona xxx
Hi Beren. Welcome. It is a nice introduction.
Feel free to express your femme side. Life is too short to waste it in toxic environments. CDH is a friendly, understanding and supportive community. Here you can make a beautiful draw of the real you.
Hi Beren,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi @beren and welcome 🙂
North East girl here, and I agree with you completely; life is better in tights - much better! 😁
I can't imagine which "UK-centric TV website" you can be talking about! As has already been said, this one is as supportive and non-toxic as you can possibly want 🙂