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Hello from Sacramento!

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(@Anonymous 96493)
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Joined: 9 months ago

Hi everyone, my name is Miranda. I’ve been on this site before but am now just returning. My gender journey, like all of yours, has been my life’s greatest challenge. I’ve been through so many ups and downs lately with getting separated and divorced from my wife of 18 years, dealing with the struggles of 3 children who are impacted but this, and trying to navigate all of these complex feelings I’m working through. I look forward to getting to know anyone more and to hear all of your stories. I’m happy to share more of mine as well. 

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Active Member     Brooklyn, New York, United States of America
Posts: 7

@mirandamirage wow so sorry about the divorce hopefully you heal from this soon and move on hope to get to know you better

Joined: 9 months ago

Active Member     frederick, Maryland, United States of America
Posts: 7

Hello, Miranda.

I am J. I too have been having many tough years with crossdressing. I thing I regret the most is that I lied to my wife of 12 years over and over about my crossdressing. Was it shame? Probably so. I am still uncertain about where my crossdressing will go. My wife and I are still married but there is no romance in our marriage. I am in my late 60s and it is a second marriage so there are no children involved. We are trying to make things work but the ground rule is that she will not see me in drag. Due to all the pain I caused I am not sure what the future holds. 

What I learned from this is always be truthful. 




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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
Posts: 1709

Hey J, there are a lot of difficult stories here. Hope you manage to find peace and a way forward. I'm probably the most closetted CD here so I don't currently have relationship issues but conversely I hardly ever get the chance to dress xx.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2168


Hi, Miranda, welcome back.

You'll get lots of support here, as you've discovered already! I won't repeat what everyone else has said, just that you'll know that you're among like-minded friends now.


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Prominent Member     Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 875


Hello  Miranda  welcome back to CDH I am happy to have met you in September 23 at Fem Friday with the River City Gems I am glad you have shared a part of who you are. Having found us you have made the step to become part of a family that is welcoming, understanding, compassionate, and supportive. While we are all similar and have many of the same desires we all differ on our goals or levels of closeted or private dressing or underdressing or public expression and or personal experiences. I encourage you to explore the many forums, topics, polls and member biographies found here as there are a wide range of members all over the spectrum of feminine expression from differing levels of crossdressing to those on the path to transition and those that have. There are also links to websites that have products and services that may help you on your own personal path of self acceptance and expression. Ultimately it is a place, home, or space were you can feel feel comfortable and confident in who you are that you are not alone and this is a place where you can feel safe to express and share part of yourself as being who you truly are as your authentic self of you being a man, a woman, a man who dresses as a woman, if it makes you a better complete human being expressing your feminine desires feelings and or qualities. I am happy you are here and have made a choice to accept this part of yourself as self acceptance is the most important thing you can do for yourself and others. You can’t expect others to accept you if you don’t accept yourself all of you. For some it means remaining private for some telling a select few ultimately you have to do whats best for your own situation and you ultimately know best. I appreciate you are sharing a part of your authentic self here on CDH it ultimately lifts some of the burden that you may be feeling which many of us have carried for what seems like a lifetime you are not alone. Being here helps not only yourself but helps others gain acceptance and confidence in themselves. I am happy you have made the step to be here. Welcome!


Hugs April

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@aprilcdmfmirandamirage Welcome back to CDH, Miranda!

Discussions here may help you deal with your complex feelings, so I look forward to reading your posts.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
Posts: 3843


Hey Miranda Welcome to CDH!  As you can see, we like to roll out the red carpet for new and returning members.  I think you'll like it here.

I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles.  What you're going thru is heavy stuff.  But you've found a good home.  CDH is an amazing place.  It changes lives!  It changed mine.

It's always nice to hear from another California girl.  I live in the San Diego area.  There's a huge contingent of girls in SoCal that like to socialize....if you're interested.  See you around CDH!


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5182


Hi Miranda

Welcome back 🙂

You'll already know from your previous time on the site what a warm and caring place this is.

I'm transgender, and was often baffled by my own thoughts and feelings before finding this place less than a year ago. CDH has helped me to come to terms with who I am - and to be more than happy with that. The girls here are wonderful at offering advice and genuine heartfelt support.

I look forward to seeing more of you on the Forums 🙂


Ellie x

(@Anonymous 96493)
Joined: 9 months ago

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Posts: 5

@ellyd22 thank you so much for the kind words and words of encouragement. This journey has been so tough and painful, but I know I’m not alone in that. Would love to talk more to you sometime about your journey.

Posts: 7796
Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Miranda,

Welcome back to CDH.  So sorry to hear of your divorce.  A turn around is in your future.


Posts: 1709
Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
Joined: 2 years ago

Hey Miranda, you're very welcome! You probably know what a wonderful supportive site this is if you've been here before. Please don't disappear again. So sorry to hear about your divorce. Do you mind me asking if your CDing was a major factor? Looks like you had a fab time at your makeover. Gorgeous pics. Coincidentally I'm going for a makeover tomorrow! How about updating your profile and letting us know a little more about you?

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

Posts: 6025
Illustrious Member     Montana, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Miranda nice to meet you and so happy you came home as we always leave the porch light on so you know where home is as you return there and see it really works.. Well girlfriend rekindle old friendships and start some new ones .. As you know as a sister and family member you are  always welcome here with open arms into our home as well as yours again also.. As a few things have changed a lot stayed the same so girl have fun ..

Stephanie Bass

Posts: 675
Prominent Member     Henderson, Nevada, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Hi Miranda!

Welcome back to CDH!

I think you will find the community as helpful, encouraging and supportive as ever!

Again, welcome back to CDH!


Posts: 5
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(@Anonymous 96493)
Active Member
Joined: 9 months ago

Thank you so much everyone for the kind words. There are too many of you to respond to individually. But I really appreciate all of the words. You’ve helped me to feel welcomed ❤️ 

Posts: 2099
Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

.Miranda -

Welcome back to CDH. 

Sorry to hear of your divorce. You will find this to be a supportive community.


Posts: 1114
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Miranda.

Welcome back to CDH. I hope things will go better for you. 



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