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Hello from Virginia

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Eminent Member     Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello all

I joined yesterday and have a few minutes so thought it was as good a time as any to do my introduction.

I'm Tammy and in my early 50s.

I'm from Central Virginia between DC and Richmond.

I've been crossdressing on and off almost all of my life and into BDSM for about half of it.  I'm submissive and wear panties full time.  I don't have a partner right now but have a very close lesbian friend who encourages me and helps me stay sane (or as sane as I can be).

I'm here to learn more about makeup and like everyone how to pass when I go out as I'm in a point in my life that I'd like to go out fully dressed.  Plus my friend is having a party in May and wants me to come fully dressed.

So, I'm not sure what else to say, but I'm an open book and will share what I can and will post when I have something I think applies to some of the treads.

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Hi Tammy,were home girls,lets chat

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Hi Tammy, were home girls,lets talk

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Famed Member     Bolton, Lancashire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

hello tammy and welcome to cdh. you are certainly in the right place. we have lots of knowledgable and experienced members to help you along with your journey 🙂 . great to have you on board!

fiona xxx

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Hi Tammy,except for the Bdsm we have things in common.PM and we can chat

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Tammy ,  This is certainly the place to start learning more about what your looking for . To understand and better ourselves in everyway  becoming very the  ladies we feel like  being. Relax, get comfortable and enjoy exploring our site and soon will be looking forward to hearing from you and your experiences in this wonderful world we have embraced . Happy to welcome and very nice meeting you.

Stephanie 🌹

Posts: 265
Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago


There's a great group on meetup dot com called DCATS  DC area Transgender Ladies Socials and Events that meet sometimes down near Quantico.  The other group,  The  DC Regional Trans Ladies' Community and Events does events mostly in Northern VA and the Bethesda MD area.  Both are great folks and have lots of fun when we all get together.

Message me if you want more info.



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