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Hello everyone, I'm Nora.
It still feels a bit unusual to write this, because I named myself only two weeks ago.
Until this month I had only worn ladies underwear.
This started when I was around 13 years old.
I had never read anything about crossdressing until after the first time I was fully dressed as a woman, which was on April 7 2024.
Until then I only acted on what I felt was right.
I never tried nor did I feel the need to find out more about the longing to feel and look like a woman.
I'm sure part of the reason was also feeling ashamed.
End of 2023 I came into contact with a woman who, as she says herself, helps people discover themselves.
This was first about being submissive, I did not dare to tell her about crossdressing.
But when I finally did tell her, she understood how important this was to me, I think even more than I did.
The next time we met she had bought me a dress, a wig and stockings.
I put on just the dress and looked at myself in mirror.
I just stared and said nothing. I felt very vulnerable.
She knew we should not go further than this and just gave me a big long hug.
The next time we met, she had told me to bring make-up and shoes.
She told me this 2 hours before we were supposed to meet, so I was forced to focus on getting it and not worry about anything else.
Surprisingly I managed to buy size 16 heels in under 60 minutes and could have won an oscar for playing a helpless dad getting make-up for his teenage daughter.
I carefully put on the stockings, the dress, the wig, the shoes and the make-up.
I took my time, I was really enjoying this first time experience of transforming myself.
When I was done, I looked in the mirror and there I was, a beautiful woman.
I can't describe what I felt other than that it was emotional to see myself like this.
The next two days I was a mess.
I was overwhelmed by what I had seen and experienced.
I could not concentrate at work and I cried a lot.
I barely managed to keep it hidden from everyone.
Then, just after dinner, I could no longer keep it to myself and during an emotional peak, I told my wife and son.
My wife was mad at first, mainly because I had included our 15 year old son in my coming out.
And I agree, I should have told just her first.
I let my emotions get the best of me.
My son said he was proud I told.
He is transgender, on a waiting list to start his transition.
He knows a bit what I was going through.
After my wife's anger subsided, we managed to have a reasonable talk.
The day after she hugged me and said we would figure it out together.
And that is where I am today, a guy in his fifties who just told his wife he is a crossdresser and is now discovering what that means.
Nora, welcome to a great group. Question, did you stay in touch with the person, that helped you find, your inter self.
Thank you for sharing Nora!
I share part of your story but I still haven’t dared to come out. 🙁
Within a short space of time you have overcome many issues with a C.D. coming out, something which can take others years and sometimes not at all. I am happy that you have come to terms with yourself and have a supportive partner and son. Life is full of surprises and happy to read of your good ones. I hope all settles and Nora with your family has a great future.
Hello Nora,
Welcome to this wonderful community! You will find many girls here in very similar situations to your own. There are more than a few of us who discovered this side of ourselves later in life.
It’s good to meet you,
Hi Nora,
Welcome to CDH. You are indeed very fortunate to have a supportive son and an understanding and supportive wife.
Hi Nora nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so do some looking around and some reading of the forums and posts with a few profiles thrown in for fun.. Now as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Thank you for wonderful intro and congrats on letting your son and wife in on your little secret and got acceptance from them both as many ladies here have accepting wife's my self included its so much easier on your girly heart .. I came out to my wife just after we were married and she was supportive and that's been 41 years now .. If you or your wife would be interested there is a group here for natural women to be able to ask others like themselves all the questions they want answers to its called ( for Wife's and Significant Others ) just a thought if interested Have fun girlfriend and say hello sometime..
Stephanie Bass
Dear all,
Thank you all for welcoming me.
It feels unreal to share my story with kindred spirits.
It’s like I’m a princess in a castle who has been in her room for 40 years and is now exploring the castle to discover a lot of other princesses.
But it is overwhelming, where to start?
I have read the My husband Betty, which is both reassuring as well as frightening, but nonetheless realistic I guess (as far as I can assess that at the moment with my limited experience).
I gave my wife a copy of the book for her to read.
She thankfully accepted the book.
My coming out was not a complete shock for her.
Over the past 20 years that we have been married she discovered my underwear twice, but silently let it go.
She never saw me dressed in them. I wonder what it would be like to show myself to her fully dressed. I have no urge to do so, but I am curious.
Since I have been fully dressed I have started at looking at what women around me are wearing and whether or not I would like to wear that myself.
How did you decide what to wear?
Love, Nora
Hi Nora and welcome!
Hi Nora.
Welcome to CDH. Thanks for share your story.
Deep down our souls, we all take similar steps no matter what journey we choose to follow. Along the way we decide our own destination.
Just wanted to add this is an amazing community.
I have read and learned quite a bit already in such a short time.
Hi Nora!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
As someone have said, you will find many share some of what you have been through, some for each of us is part of our personal journey.
However, everyone supports everyone here!
Me, I dabbled as a CD, then two years ago, went all in privately and have just loved it.
So, one never knows where the journey may go.
Again, welcome to CDH!