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I am new here. Started dressing when my wife and kids went out of town on a trip(probably 5 years ago). Only do it when I get the house to myself though I'd like to branch out. I'm not sure how my wife is going to take the news IF I come out as a CD. She wasn't happy when I mentioned that I may be gay and I have figured out since then that I am not 100% gay, but attracted to anyone though I'm not exploring that. Working on who I am with a therapist.
Rue welcome to Cdh , your now among many like yourself learning more about themselves. Trying to discover on what path we seams to be travelling . Working on who we are is definitely a daunting task. As more we learn and explore through articles or reading stories of others confusions blur our thoughts to understand much of what's in front of us . Only after sought out help one can better understand where our course lies. Here you have many to talk to , ask questions to and receive wonderful advice and most of all a support not found anywhere else. A caring community which embraces all no matter destiny's may lead. From the newest to one exploring full womanhood were all sisters in heart. If the time came to opening up to your wife I hope the best , be totally honest and sincere , listen intently and answer her with true feelings and hope the best to you on your journeys. very nice meeting you. Stephanie...
Thank you, Stephanie. I have much to read and many questions to ask. This site seems to be the best resource. Happy to be here. TTYL>
Hi Rue,
Similar story, different Girlfriend! You fit right in, welcome. This site is pretty amazing with all of the shared stories and information. I'm sure you will find that you fit right in.
Thank you for sharing
Welcome Rue,
Thank you, Vanessa. I feel like I've entered a whole new level of acceptance and that feels good. Earlier this year was hard as I came to terms that I am different and it's not a phase. I was in a dark place and crying which is not like me at all. I need friends..
Rue Arias..
Hi Rue,
Welcome to CDH. It is good that you are seeing someone to help you.
There are many areas in CDH to get great information and make new friends.
Explore the site and enjoy,
-Terri Anne
Welcome Rue!
I’m not all gay. I’m closet. I enjoy crossing. If I looked ugly I probably wouldn’t do it. I look good tho