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You can call me Sam. I grew up in a small southern town, very religious household. I was unable to discover who i really was until i moved out on my own. I knew i was different. People would tease me in school, i was bullied a lot. I never really understood why. But i knew i was not like the other kids. After i got my first job i started dating a girl from work. We realized that with both of our incomes combined, we could probably afford an apartment together. So that's what we did. I moved out of my parents house when i was 17 years old. My GF was 19 at the time. We put the apartment in her name of course. Once i got out of my parents house and moved in with her, i entered a very experimental period in my life. Ya know, Sex, Drugs, etc. Not proud of some of the things i did. But i regret nothing. Through this exploration i figured out who i am. I was Born as "Matthew". But I grew up to become the person i was supposed to be, "Samantha". I'm finally happy in my own skin. Although i'm still in the closet as far as my Family is concerned. I'm still working on that that. But all my friends have been supportive. And that Girlfriend i told you about, She went on to become my wife. She's been part of this journey every step of the way. When i first came out to her, i was terrified. Physically shaking. A nervous wreck. That was the hardest thing i ever did. She freaked out a little at first. She left our apartment and went to a friend's place and didn't talk to me for a few days. I think maybe she just needed time to process it. She called that weekend and said "I want you to show me". :Huh? What do you mean?: "I have to know what you look like as a girl, i want you to show me, can i come over?" :I mean... it's technically your apartment.: So she comes over, and i answer the door in full Fem mode. My favorite black dress, stockings, Hair, make up, the whole deal. She just stares at me without saying anything, i'm was getting more and more nervous the longer she stood there not saying anything, feeling really vulnerable. Then she says. "Is it weird, if i think you're hot?". LOL!! The feeling of relief i had when she said that, i could have cried. I think i did actually, now that i think about it. LOL!! Long story short, we've been happy with each other ever since. She buys me clothes, helps me with my look. She's been very supported. It's great. However, i'm still struggling coming out to my family. They are very traditional. very religious, and very judgmental. My next door neighbor's daughter is Lesbian. They protested her wedding. So you can understand why i've never told them. I just don't want to deal with it i guess. I use the label "Bigender" Because i still shift between my gender expressions at times. But that's mostly determined by external factors. Where i'm going. Who i'm going to be around. Things like that. To be honest, without outside influence, i would just live as Samantha 100% of the time. It seems like the obvious thing to do, is to just rip the band-aid off and just tell them. Let the pieces fall where they may. But that's way easier said than done. Anyways. That's basically my story.
I didn't intend to give you my entire life story in my intro LOL!! But when i start typing, i just can't stop myself sometimes. Maybe some of you can relate to my story. Who knows. Either way, Thanks for Listening. 🙂
Hi Sam,
Welcome to CDH. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thank you for sharing your story and welcome to CDH. This is the perfect place to meet like-minded people and find many more friends that will support you and you wife.
Samantha -
thank you for sharing your story. Welcome to CDH. It is lovely that your wife is so supportive.
Hello Sam,
Welcome to CDH.
First most welcome Sam to CDH nice to meet ya and wow what a wonderful intro that’s actually truly amazing the way everything fell together truly a blessing I should say thanks for joining use here in this wonderful community as fare as parents go I can’t answer only you can when your ready nobody knows about Erin but my SO and I probably keep it that way till my grave but hey I have all the love and support form this family been amazing to be part of this community TC
Hiya Sam so nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so do some looking around and reading of the forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they are on in life.. So girl as a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. When you get comfortable with us please join i with a story or two about the life and times of Sam as she travels down her own girly path in life.. Now as for making friends here girl there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you.. Once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Sam!
Now that is an introduction! Well done!
Welcome to CDH!
I think you will find the community helpful, encouraging and supportive.
Again, welcome to CDH!