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Hello, I'm Samantha.

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New Member     Hampshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

I've been dressing on and off for 35 years, going through the usual phases of buying clothes, wearing clothes, feeling ashamed, throwing clothes away and then starting again.

I recently confessed to my wife what I had been doing and she has been amazing. She doesn't want to see it, but understands that my dressing is a part of me and even helped me pick out some make-up to start me off properly.

We'd always prided ourselves on being honest with each other and yet I had been keeping this from her and couldn't take the guilt any longer.  She has taken my news well and keeps me updated with how she's processing. She has 'blips' but says these are getting less frequent. I've tried to reassure her that there is nothing she has or hasn't done that would have changed how I am, but it's still early days, so I'm trying to give her as much time as she needs. We both still love each other and don't want to split up, so signs are promising.

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Samantha, welcome to the site.

I'm glad to read that you came out to your wife and that things are going well. I hope you two will keep the communication flowing because this may get them closer than ever!

I hope you will enjoy visiting here.


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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Samantha, and welcome to CDH!  My wife and I are similar in being honest with each other,  and she has known almost as long as I have been dressing again.  So I am happy to hear that you have told your wife and that you are both committed to your relationship.  We have a group here that is strictly for Significant Others, though you need to have a Baroness membership or higher to join that might be helpful.  In the meantime, please check out the articles, forum posts and public chat for support and friendship. If you have questions please reach out. Again, welcome! hugs, Michelle

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Samantha , happy to welcome you here with us . Wonderful story and oh do I relate to much of what you have mention. Other than dressing for years I too opened up  to my wife about my desires. Married for many years I held this deep secret and after  revealing this she too took it well . At first the shock and anger controlled her emotions . We too believed in our honesty and trust in our marriage and she was extremely hurt but with  many a talk and agreements met we started a new twist in our relationship and now enjoy a special bond to which I'm so happy for. She knows her man is there when called upon and Stephanie there for me. She's still  cautious  on how things will go but I've always promised her that I will always talk to her and never more forward without her blessing . For this I've never been so  happier. Wonderful world when one can enjoy our  feelings for dressing with someone so close to one's heart . For me and her trust is  so important and now I'm seeing our trust coming back. Absolutely most important give her time  to adjust, there's so much running in her mine and also giving her full control on decsions , where things are going and I'm sure your time ahead will be memorable. She's wonderful for her acceptance and I certainly don't take it for granted. Best to you both and your journeys together.

Stephanie 🌹

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Trusted Member     Pennsylvania, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello Samantha and welcome!

Your story is very similar to a lot of the other gals on this site.  I myself have just recently joined in October 2018.  I too have an amazing wife that supports me and understands that the female part of me is who I am.  I could have never told my 1st wife and kept it a secret.  When I met my current wife of 8 years, I told her immediately so I didn't have to hide any more.  She was and is very understanding.  One of the things I did was to print about 12 pages off of the internet from a site that explained what cross dressing is and isn't.  She read it and it helped her understand who I was.  Perhaps you could do the same for your wife, help her understand.  Anyways, welcome and thanks for sharing.




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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Welcome Samantha. Honesty can be very freeing...with the right person, and having a supportive SO is so amazing. Congrats to both of you. The girls here can be very understanding and helpful. Enjoy life to the full extent.

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Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Samantha and welcome to CDH.  My figers are crossed flor you both to arrive at a workable solution. I wish you all the door is always come in...set a spell and let's get to know one another better.  Till tthen.....hugs for you both.......

Dame Veronica

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Hi Samantha, good for you to have an understanding wife. Enjoy your freedom honey.

Warm hug,



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