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Hello girls! I’m Skyler, well, in girl mode at least I am. As long as I can remember, I have always had an interest in women’s clothes and wearing them. When I moved out on my own at 18, I purchased some and had my own mini wardrobe. Still closeted, I dressed for myself purely for the comfort of the clothing. Men’s clothes just never seem to fit me right or feel comfortable.
Recently got got engaged to the woman of my dreams and have a beautiful little boy. I wanted to get everything out before we got married and came out to my future wife. She was afraid of it being a gay thing at first, but after seeing me dressed and how it was strictly a comfort thing, she went as far as doing my make up and giving me pointers. I don’t think I could have found a more loving and supportive woman to be my wife. She gave me the name Skyler for when I dress. She has recently suggested a girls trip weekend. We don’t want to expose our son to this just yet. We’re not sure if we ever will honestly, so we’re taking advantage of a long weekend to have fun as girlfriends instead of husband and wife.
Looking forward to some pointers and tips from anyone here. One big thing I seem to need help with is this damn facial hair. I seem to shave wayyy too much. I’m getting tired of my face breaking out and having my make up way too heavy. I’ve tried bleaching and Nair for the face and nothing seems to help this. I know laser and electrolysis are the best options, they’re just not affordable lol. Any thoughts on thinning the coarse hair? Seems like a long shot but worth a try. Thanks!!
Hi Skyler
Welcome to CDH. Everyone here is really friendly and supportive. I hope you enjoy being here.
I think laser is probably the only answer for your beard (electrolysis is permanent but far too slow for a full beard). If anyone else has any suggestions, I will try them out too!
Skyler , very happy to welcome you here with us. It's wonderful to have an accepting wife and too enjoy doing things together. Much can be found here and many girls here are always looking to help in anyway needed. About your facial hair I really don't have a good answer as like you I experience that headache on shaving. After losing my mustache that I had all my life I'm constantly shaving and yes very open to any suggestions from others. Hope we all together will find something out there. Enjoy your stay here and look forward to seeing you around here soon. Stephanie 🌹
Skyler , very happy to welcome you here with us. It's wonderful to have an accepting wife and too enjoy doing things together. Much can be found here and many girls here are always looking to help in anyway needed. About your facial hair I really don't have a good answer as like you I experience that headache on shaving. After losing my mustache that I had all my life I'm constantly shaving and yes very open to any suggestions from others. Hope we all together will find something out there. Enjoy your stay here and look forward to seeing you around here soon. Stephanie 🌹
Everyone is so welcoming! I love it! Thanks girls. She’s quite spectacular. I never thought I’d be able to come out comfortably. She doesn’t want me as Skyler 24/7 and still loves me as her husband too, but she understands that I am equally comfortable in both male and female roles. I think she does like having a girlfriend to go lingerie and shoe shopping with even if I am dressed as a male lol.
As far as this nasty stubble goes, I’m looking into electrolysis as an option. While it’s expensive, it would yield the results I want. If I decide to go through with it, I’ll let everyone know how it goes!
Hi Skyler
Welcome to CDH. Everyone here is really friendly and supportive. I hope you enjoy being here.
I think laser is probably the only answer for your beard (electrolysis is permanent but far too slow for a full beard). If anyone else has any suggestions, I will try them out too!
Diane, while I do have stubble and a “beard” it’s far from full. When I was in a more masculine role (probably trying way too hard to hide my girlish cheekbones and facial shape) I “grew it out”. After a year of growing it, it only got an inch long as best before it would break off or start falling out. I’m so glad I decided to shave it off. Definitely helps me feel more confident and ready to step out of the house as myself.
That is a beautiful story. I am in the midst of figuring out how to tell my wife (we also have a ten month-old daughter), but I have not been an active dresser since childhood, so it's more complicated than needing to come clean. I would love to pick your bran some time and of course, welcome! I'm new here and love it.
Hearts and rainbows,
Welcome Skyler
thanks for sharing your story. It is awesome that the lady in your life is accepting this part of you. I think it is great you opened up to her before the two of you get married.
I hope you find lots of support at CDH
That is a beautiful story. I am in the midst of figuring out how to tell my wife (we also have a ten month-old daughter), but I have not been an active dresser since childhood, so it’s more complicated than needing to come clean. I would love to pick your bran some time and of course, welcome! I’m new here and love it.
Hearts and rainbows,
Any time sweetie! I’m an open book! It wasn’t nearly as easy as I make it sound in my original post. I stopped dressing for a few years and really let myself go in that time. It’s been a long road to getting myself back in the shape I want to be in. I’d love to chat with you about these things some time! Feel free to message me girlie!
BTW, your name is beautiful darling. I love the traditional Irish names! 🙂
Aw shucks. I just don't know what else I could do. Anything else would feel dishonest! Seeing myself as a Celtic goddess walking through the woods on a crisp day, that's what I dream of... as a woman. I'll be sending you a friend request.
Hearts and rainbows,
Welcome Skylar!