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I’m Cali. Im new to Crosssdressing. My wife got me to dress up for her and now it’s daily. I’m loving it
That is so special. You are very lucky.
Enjoy the support on cdh.
Love sam x
Cali, thats wonderful to hear. Having a wife support certainly makes one's journey most fulfilling. Now enjoy meeting with many of our wonderful gals chatting things up sharing stories making everyone feeling comfortable. Knowing you are well respected and accepted for who you are. Wonderful community of caring souls with full support for all. Very happy to meet you and enjoy your time here with us.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Cali!
Welcome Cali !
If you are enjoying dressing then you will definitely enjoy CDH. Read some forums, some articles, check out public photos, read the profiles of posters and commenters who seem to fit well with you and don't be shy about sending out some friend requests. Just a bunch of friendly ladies here.
Welcome Cali!