Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi I'm not really new to cross dressing but new to telling anyone that I do, so I'm kinda nervous about it and I figure this is the best place to start and to build myself up.
I'm hoping that I can get the courage up to go out in public and not be scared to death and I figure this is the best way to start, also a good place for advice. Looking forward to talking to all of you ladies. Love ya
Hi Brittany,
Hello and welcome from the UK. I am sure many of us can understand your nerves, but CDH is a wonderful place for support and acceptance. I have been here just over a month and made so many lovely friends and the chat is great. Look forward to seeing you around the site and I am happy to chat anytime.
Jessica x.
Try Jessica looking forward to chatting with you and I am already loving this place so much advice, information and lovely ladies
Brit B. Jones ❤️
P.s may I add as friend or too soon
Welcome Britany.I have been a closeted x-dresser since I was 12 47 years ago.I am contemplating going out one day.I am nervous too.Hope to achieve this goal one day and hope you do too
Hi Brittany. Welcome to CDH. A great place to find frienship and support.
Have fun!
Welcome Brittany. You story is similar to mine, but you will find CDH to be a safe and supportive place to be. I know you will make a lot of friends and enjoy all the good information you find here.
Brittany, welcome. Here find all that you want in helping you achieve that goal in getting out. Girls here are wonderful in sharing their experiences and always offering tips on how to make memories happen. Being nervous is common to many who arrive here but in little time you’ll see how many like yourself are experiencing much of the same things. Read their posts and learn more to better understand what’s ahead. Talk to our ladies whom love offering their help and advice. I myself have just experience my first time out and it was amazing. Being here at cdh help in many ways and I hope you see this too. Very happy meeting you and hope to see you here. Hugs
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Brittany !
I believe you have arrived in the right place! CDH is filled with amazing ladies sharing experience, support and tips with each other. I suggest reading some forums, articles and profiles and sending friend requests to ladies whose posts and profiles fit well with you.
Hi Brittnay
A beautiful name. Good luck loads of support on cdh. Its so so supportive. Given me so much help.
Love sam x
Thank you I finally found figured out the site last night
and enjoyed it while I was there. 😸
Hello Brittany and Welcome to CDH , I'm the same way, experimented at a very young age 13 years old and nervous about going out in public dressed up, but I am finding the small baby steps I make make it easier and easier to get out there.
I hope to see you around and talk to you soon
Hi Brittany , great place to meet & learn , Tiff ☺
Hello Brittany, Rhonda here . I Have a few suggestions for you . Wear panties ,leggings , Cami
socks , a blouse under a jersey , In the shop were you got them from , i don`t mean all of them at the same time . Go to the display of what you are wearing I have done this my self a number times . this has helped me BUILD MY COURAGE quite a bit .
Hugs Rhonda .
Welcome Brittany!
That's an awesome idea never really thought about doing that to Hun ty. 💋