Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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I am a life long cross dresser who loves the feel of nylons, skirts and leather. I am well over the age of 21. I am NOT looking for men or a one night stand. I have been to a couple of meetings with fellow dressers and loved it. I will share photo's as soon a I can compile them.
Hi Alana.
Welcome to CDH. A friendly, understanding and helpful community.
Hi Alana, welcome to CDH.
Rest assured, this is definitely not a dating site!
You've joined a community of like-minded ladies here. We love to chat about what we do and why we do it, and offer each other advice and support whenever it's appropriate.
You're in good company here, in a safe environment where you can talk about your crossdressing experiences freely. Make yourself at home!
Hiya Alana and welcome to this friendly area. Settle in and enjoy what's on offer.
.Alana -
Welcome to CDH
Welcome to CDH from Michigan. You will find a lot of supportive people here and not a hook up site. I have read a lot of great articles and seen a lot of classy pictures here. It’s a very friendly site and, in my opinion, very classy. Look around, as there is a lot of information here and a few pictures. Enjoy and welcome from Michigan. -Traci
Hi Alana,
Welcome to CDH.
Hi Alana Nice to meet you and happy you found and joined us girls here so get settled in relax and enjoy yourself here,, As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Girl there is a wealth of knowledge here to access and learn from so look around and ask many questions of these wonderful ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they follow in life.. So when you get comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Alana as she travels down her own girly path in life.. Now as for making friends here there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you .. Once again girlfriend nice meeting you and sorry your wife is a little reluctant to your girly way of life .. As for many ladies here myself included we have supportive wife's then alass many live in the closet then many ladies like yourself there wifes know about your femme side just dont want to see her.. Keep the lines of communication open and chat once in a while to make her more comfortable with the girlfriend she has at home dont push girlfriend just have fun ..
Stephanie Bass
welcome. Explore this wonderful place and when ready come out and meet many of our beautiful ladies and know your among friends. Hope to see you around here soon .
Stephanie 🌷