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I should have known all along, but fell in to society's mold. Years and years ago I would try on anything thing pretty i could find. In high school i had 3 pairs of pastel sperry dock shoes with polos to match (shop teacher always laughed at me but loved shop class)
Got married had a kid, got bored with her (wife not my son) and divorced. Got married again another kid and another divorce. Now I am spreading my wings I buy every pretty that I can. Dating a nice gal now I think she is realizing I might not be super interested in women.
I've been dressing for a month or so, learning make up tips and tricks but don't see how I will ever pass. I went to the pizza take out place dressed in women's clothes and it was so awesome, my dream is to get 1 guy to buy me a drink at a bar, thinking I'm a woman.
Have fun is my new moto, I just have to follow it more 😘 KK out.
Welcome, Krystal! You're braver than I am. Let us know when you get that drink! 🙂
Welcome Krystal! Funny title about your closet widening. It is fun to buy pretty things!
Krystal . Be free to open your wings here too. Much to see and do and experiencing a moment of going out like you have is awesome. I've evolved in many ways , from dressing to my mannerisms even learning to properly walk in heels . So much to learn and soon I'm also planning that possibility of venturing out. By years end, a quest of moving forward and enjoying a new level of comfort. Happy to welcome you and enjoy your time with us .🌹
Welcome Krystal.
Welcome Krystal! Spread your wings, widen your closet (I'd love to), and be careful out there!
Hi Krystal....welcome to our site. Hope you find in informative and all the girls are more than willing to help you obtain your dream. My door is always open to you.......don't be shy.
Dame Veronica
Welcome Krystal . You have joined the BEST site available. I do have concerns about the "fooling a cismale to buy you a drink" . That could end very badly for you. That kind of thing is what gives us a bad name that we already have . I wish you the best in your journey . Be safe. All my best Mikayla
Thanks for the prospective, I really just want to feel pretty, and have kind of thought that would be proof that I have become pretty. I will strongly consider your advice, thanks.
I totally get what you are saying. What a wonderful validation it would be, but this world has a lot of homophobes that could potentially cause you great harm. Unfortunately some fantasies have to stay fantasies... All in the name of self preservation and safety.
PS. I would think a Trans friendly club would be a good alternative for the experience though.