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Hello ladies, what a day!!! I'm so excited to join here. My first time experiencing any kind of dressing outside my home or other then my wife was today, and it was to try on some wedding gowns. Oh my!!! I've been horribly shy my entire life, but when I saw an ad for an absolutely gorgeous mermaid wedding dress on craigslist, I fought with myself for several days about whether I should message the seller or not. Back and forth, should I do it, no forget it, should I do it, no forget it....finally said, "But it's sooo pretty!!!" and off goes the text to the seller. She says, "Sure, come on over." The seller and her daughter were both some of the kindest, and sweetest people I have ever met in my life. I can't even imagine the fun of a bride, finding THE DRESS.... Well unfortunately, that absolutely gorgeous gown didn't fit 😭😭😭. The seller says no worries, I'm actually a seamstress so find what you want and we'll get any alterations all squared away 💕. Luckily, it wasn't a total wasted trip, because my wife and I stopped by a DressBarn on the way home and found a super cute, black floral scuba dress (one of my favorites 💃🏼) that I'm currently wearing to write this. Anyway, I'm oh so very excited to be here, and so sick of my shell I've been hiding in. 💜💜💜
Hi Lacie,
Hello, it is lovely to meet you. What a wonderful day you have had, that dress sounds really nice. Hope you find friendship here, there are lots of supportive people who are happy to offer support. I look forward to seeing you around the site.
Jessica x.
Thank you so much
Welcome to CDH Lacie.Your dress does sound gorgeous.I love wearing all kinds of dresses.
What a lovely story. You are a lucky girl
Sammatha x
Wow i wish i could build the courage to go out dressed/shopping for what i like. Everything i own was purchased online and it isnt much. Hope next time is much easier for you 🙂
Welcome Lacie !
I love your enthusiasm ! I'm sure you will fit right in.
I wish I could say that I don't care what other people say, but it really is utterly terrifying. But I'm getting to the point of realizing THEIR problems are screwing up my happiness...
Hi, Lacie. i Love Your enthusiastic approach. i need more enthusiasm and less fear and trepidation. i am on a six month for my going out caused by budget constraints
Welcome Lacie,
I really admire you for having the bravery to do that.
I am still very much a closet CD'er, but maybe one day I will summon the courage to be like you,
Lacie, wedding dresses. Certainly a incredible moment slipping on that perfect dress then waiting for that perfect moment. You definitely found the right place to explore and learn. Meet many of our gals just like yourself who are experiencing their love for dressing. Making friends is so much fun and having them to talk to, share advice and most importantly a respect of what you mean to us and yourself . Your in good company and know we can and will support you through theses amazing times. Happy to meet you and welcome .
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Lacie!