Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hello my name is Zinaida I've been crossdressing for two months. I lack confidence and I'm feeling lonely and depressed. I need someone to talk to and I hope by coming here that it will be a nice place.
Thank you.
Hi Zinaida.
This is a very nice crowd with lots of levels of experience, different ages, national origins, interest, goals.
I’m sure you will be able to find some who are or were in similar situations.
Welcome to CDH
Thank you Gabriela for your kind words As i before I'm lonely so it's nice that you responded.
Hi Ziniada,
And welcome. This place is full of wonderful and lovely ladies. Gaining confidence is something I am constantly working on and I have been dressing for about 20 years now. It all depends on how you feel about yourself and I feel great about me and what I am. Your are not alone anymore and don't beat yourself up about little things. I use this mantra to help me out when I am not feeling quite myself, "Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself" as well as " now I walk in beauty, beauty is behind me, beauty is before me. Above me and below me." Feel free to message me anytime
Harmony and Serenity to you
Selyne Phoenyx
Hi Zinaida,
Welcome to our site! You will find many here who have been where you are or are there now.
Enjoy the fellowship and the site.
Ask me anything, I will try to help.
-Terri Anne
Welcome to CDH
This is a very unique place full of support and friendship
Hi Zinaida and welcome to CDH.I guarantee that you will not feel so isolated now you are on this wonderful site.If you need any help I would glad to be of service.I am an experienced CD of many years standing.You are welcome to p.m me at any time.With Very Best Wishes Roberta.
Hi Zinaida,
And welcome to CDH! It is a great place to help build your confidence and be able to share your experiences and learn from others. So please join us in chat, read the insights through great articles and forum topics, and over all have fun exploring an amazing site. hugs, Michelle
Welcome Zinaida!
Lots of great girls and support here! You landed in the right place!
We all have been at your stage of feeling lonely and depressed.. you have come the right place for support in your CD journey...
Hi there. If you would like to talk....
Welcome to CDH.I am new here myself.There are so many here to talk to and help.You have friends here.I don't know as much as some here,but we are all here for you.
Zinaida , only a few months into this wonderful experience will certainly confuse and cause emotional torment in one's self . For starters being alone is no longer a problem as you have many here to listen to you, offer advice and help in every way to to bring on the confinance you desire. The support that is so important is found here in making one feel confident and comfortable in yourself. Just ask your questions and someone will be happy to share with you their thoughts and feelings on what's going on through all of us. Meet our ladies and make lasting friendships and know your among friends. Just relax kick off those heels and enjoy being part of a wonderful community that cares about all that passes. Very nice to meet you and as one of your ambassadors please be free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns, love to help if I can and talk any time.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi hun you will find everyone supportive here. Just open up to the girls.