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I'm in great need of help am in the process of getting myself to accepting myself and I find it unbelievable hard and frustrating and I'm 19 next month and I've felt like I'm in the wrong clothes and I really want to be able to wear what I want when I want and don't be ashamed of myself and tips??
Do not be ashamed. Brace yourself for as cdh will help you in many wsys. Enjoy
I feel your pain ive felt the same way for alot of years but i made the mistake of ignoring it and i can say mentally ot has chewed me up and devoured me its only now in my mid 30s i cant ignore the woman in me..your still young enough where you can make the change with minimal consequences if thats the right term to be using. Your mental health is the utmost important thing in life do what feels right in your heart and itll ease the heart ache and stress later in life ..hope this helps.... ally
we understand life is certainly complicated but here things don’t have to be . Enter into a place where everything is hopefully easier to open up to. Start building that courage and soon pass through those Gates and discover this new world ahead. Trying to understand all that is happening is so new to us. Emotions running wild , confused in every way. For me it was the anxiety I felt. It was very concerning to my health. Your young and can't feel what your going through but do know it's tearing you up. It did me in different ways but still difficult to handle. I hope you find the answers here , I started here reading the forums from others and their experiences to while may refect questions and concerns your experiencing. at least get you started and begin understanding this part of your life. Here with others like yourself enjoy experiencing your love for dressing with no conflicts or judgements and to be comfortable with being who you are. And in time with the help and support will move you forward to express yourself with confinance to discover more about your femininity. Take a big breath, try to relax and start your search. We're all here to help as we can. As one of your ambassador I'll be here like many others to help, and support you. Happy to welcome you and a big step has been taking just joining us here. Hugs!!
Stephanie 🌹
Hi, first thing to do is stop worrying, easily said I know, but you need to think this thing through and worrying about it will not help. Accepting your true self is not a quick process, it will take time and a lot of thinking on your part, but what you have to remember is you are doing nothing wrong, and you are not alone. Most of us here on CDH have been through a similar process. But there is no quick fix, it took me several years to really come to terms with who I am, and to be honest the journey continues. You are very young, you have your whole life ahead of you there is plenty of time, your inner femme self will blossom and come to the fore in time. You have no need to feel ashamed of who you are, people around you may not understand, or may even be hostile, but you will find plenty of friends and support here at CDH. Good luck on your journey PM me if you want to.
Hi and welcome,
Well done, you have taken the first steps and reached out on here. That would have taken courage. As people have already said, little steps, you have started your journey. There is a lot of friendship and support here, people are wiling to share and help. You are not alone and most people here will have experienced what you are feeling.
I am happy to chat, PM me if you want to.
Jessica x.
Hi sweetie, you did the right thing already by reaching out in a place where you know there is support. We have all felt those feelings at one time and likely lots of times but in hindsight these episodes serve to make you stronger because you are forced to be introspective and analyze the issues. Keep on reaching out to others who are going through the same things and learn methods of comforting yourself(dressing as you feel works great) and slowly gaining confidence when SHE comes shining through. Maybe you live with folks who you are not comfortable coming out to and cannot dress feminine and act yourself,that is very stressful and I would begin working to change my living arrangements. You will be 19 soon and have your whole beautiful life ahead of you and you live in a modern society where you have the right to be who you want to be. Hold your head up high and move your life towards happiness, I wish you happiness and love forever..
Shannon xo
I felt exactly the same way at that age. I spent nearly all my years in school with bad grades and barely got by. That frustration though kind of made things turn around. Knowing that I would NEVER get the opportunity for steady income and privacy unless I made something of myself was a huge factor that went into me getting better grades and passing high school. I am now completely self sustaining and can spend hours at home dressed.
Welcome !
One of my favorite songs has a lyric that says "time's a beauty, the road being long"....
Being over 50 and having some hindsite into my own past life I want to tell you to take a deep breath and be patient with yourself. The upset feelings you have right now don't have to follow you down that road. You have come to a great place filled with caring people that you can learn from and lean on.