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Help Please Im New

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Active Member     Germantown, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Hello everyone. My name is Shawn and I am 37. I am very new to crossdressing, and have found out that I really enjoy dressing up. Eventually I would love to go out full blown dressed up. I would even like to hopefully meet a woman who would take an interest in this with me. I only have like 1 set of clothes I can wear which to be honest makes me sad. Its a bra, panties, and a tennis dress.

This is really wear I need some help please. I would like to gain the confidence to go out dressed up but its hard without trying on new outfits, with hopefully someday a wig and makeup. If anyone can help with some clothes, or accessories... I would be forever greatful! I need everything, clothes, panties, bras, wig, makeup, friends someone I can talk to if and when I have questions and who can give me some tips. I know I am like a size 8 in panties, I am a tall guy I am 6'3'' 190 lbs. I have a 32-34" waist. I wear and XL in shirts but keep in mind this is all in male sizes. Oh and i wear a size 13 shoe in mens

If anyone has extra clothes, etc and can help me out that would be awesome. I can pay shipping fees.




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Noble Member     Norfolk, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Shawna and welcome,

We were all new at sometime, so we know how that feels too. Get comfy, its a good ride. Most of the ladies here will be more than happy to help you out, at least when it comes to information and answering questions. Have a look around and jump in on any of the forum posts that strike your interest whenever you are ready.

Posts: 6
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Active Member     Germantown, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Awesome. I have been checking out the whole site. Thank you for the welcome and its nice to meet you.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Shawn, Being new to cding you’ll find our site to be most comforting. Be patient everything will come including the clothes. Learning styles and sizes, there's so much to know and everyone has their own preferences  in styles that captures the best of themselves that  with and of course dressing within your age, especially if the day comes on venturing out. Post your questions in our forums and I sure you'll receive comments to help you with clothing and such.  The girls here are wonderful and are so willing to give there advice and help in every way.  Also talk to some of them share each other’s stories and develop beautiful friendships . support is everywhere and with an acceptance to move forward in this life we have chosen. Very happy meeting you . Welcome. .

Stephanie 🌹×

Posts: 6
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Active Member     Germantown, Wisconsin, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I am really liking it here! Everyone has been very welcoming and its nice to talk to people that are very much in similar or have been through what I am going through at the moment.

One of the things I am also struggling on is the fact, that I know I am straight, I have been with woman and men, and in no way am I attracted to men nor would want a relationship on the physical end with another man. Now I guess if your talking a relationship with a CD, or trans that area is grey. As trans and some CDs consider themselves female and in my opinion are.

However I want to start a family and have a kid as I have never been married nor do I have a child yet. I just find it next to impossible to meet a woman and be open to her about this part of my life. Its so hard bc I want to build my relationship on trust and honesty and communication. So I am hoping as I move forward in this journey I build enough confidence in myself to where I wont feel I have to hide it from her.

This is very difficult for me. I am actually going to post this in the forum of relationships bc the more life experiences I can hear from other people in this situation. The more helpful it will be for me.

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Welcome to CDH Shawn

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Reputable Member     BELFAST, County Antrim, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Sharon

Welcome to cdh. I have been dressing since a teenager. It is a wonderful way to express your femmine side.

Lots of help and supporr from lovely girls.

Enjoy anf i use amazin. Have a look for clothes underwear and shoes.


Message me anytime honey

Love sammatha xx

Posts: 2
New Member     san Jose, California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Hi Shawn welcome to the wonderful owls of crossdressing.

i know the struggle of being a tall Guy that crossdresses. I’m pushing 7ft tall with a size 14/15 men’s shoes.

i recommend shopping on amazon, for clothes. If your worried about having it arrive to your house there always boxes at 7/11 and grocery stores that’s like a PO Box for amazon. Plus if they don’t fit you can return them.

I hope someone else can help. If you need someone to chat with hit me up.

Posts: 95
Trusted Member     Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Shawn,

Welcome to the friendly place,


Posts: 7139
Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

I'm very much like you. Straight as in arrow. Well I know am and with my dressing  and with the belief I always will. But fully dressed it seams a thought does at times cross my mind, what it would be to be with a man. Just wondering what it would be like. But I'm very happily married and that basically keeps me straight and true for my interest in woman. Hope you find your perfect girl. One that will accept for all that you are. It's wonderful to share such an experience with someone. I will omit cders and trans woman do peak my interests. If you do find your girl don't hid your desires for dressing, being upfront and truthful  it will definately go along way . I waited over 38 years before opening up to my wife. It was it was traumatic but with many talks we did work things out. It seemed forever and it just tore me inside for many many years now I'm free and happy. Best to you.

Stephanie 🌹

Posts: 3150
Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Welcome Shawn!


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