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<Big Sigh> Ok, here goes. Hello, I'm Vicky. I've dressed off and on for a while. Never had my own clothes. It started when an older friend of the family was watching me while my parents were out of town. I was 14 at the time, when it wasn't a good thing that a boy liked to dress much less like other boys. We were horsing around and one thing led to another and he and I were kissing. After some time, he talked me into trying on some of my mothers clothes. They felt nice and he started calling me Vicky. We had a lot of fun that weekend. Fast forward some years and I'm married. My first wife and I were sharing stories of our lives and I mentioned that I had dressed up for one of my friends. Well, that didn't go over well. She pretty much harassed me about it whenever she was mad at something which was frequent. I learned to keep that part of me buried and locked away. No one would ever know about Vicky. Eventually, we were divorced which was a good thing. Still, being a crossdresser was looked down on so, I married another woman to try and bury these feelings deeper and escape. When my 2nd wife found out a friends husband was gay, she didn't take it well iso that reaffirmed to me to keep Vicky locked away unless I wanted to be hurt again. I would borrow my wifes underwear and nighties when I had the chance and was alone, which wasn't often at all. She had asked me one day if I went through her drawers because some things were moved. I denied and realized I needed to buy my on things. I bought my first set of panties when I was out of town for work. That was a few years ago. I would wear them under my boy clothes. I loved it. Recently, my wife went out of town to visit family for a week and a half. I couldn't hardly wait to be alone. I wound up buying a couple of dresses, some panties, stockings, makeup, yoga pants, sports bra and some shoes (4" heeled shoes that I almost broke my neck with initially and some flats that were sooo comfy). I did try my hand at makeup and wound up looking like a clown. So here I sit, dressed up, glass of white wine and pouring my heart out. I've been reading the articles and stories and thinking they were talking about my life. . I've already met a couple of great ladies and look forward to meeting more. Thank you for giving me a safe place to come and be me, Vicky. I still have to work on the makeup thing, though
Vicky welcome , happy to have met you and to make friends with. Have a wonderful time and enjoy cdh for the place to discover all that we are.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Vicky and welcome and thanks for sharing. Big hugs 🤗. I am amazed at how similar a lot of cd stories are, and I hope writing your experience had some cathartic relief for you. Tension melts away when I can put on a dress or a cute top and a short skirt. It has always been more about bring the real me more than anything else. I do admit that it is nice to be called pretty, and that is a special part of being awonan ( forgetting all the down sides of being mistreated by jerky men ) that also makes me extra happy. No one ever focused on me like that as a man. You are special and pretty and in good company!
Anne-Sophie CD
Dear Vicky, we seem to be soulmates...
Thank you so much. I'm feeling like I'm part of a wonderful family. The toughest part of this journey was not having anyone to talk to about it. I'm glad I can finally talk about it. That's not my entire story (that would be a long read and I would need more wine to tell that one), but I thought I would give y'all a glimpse into the room where Vicky is.
Hi Vicky! Welcome to CDH. Sweetie....your experiences are perfectly normal...we have all gone thru this more or less. I guess, it is part of the process....discovering who we really are deep down inside. There is nothing to be ashamed of. All of us Sisters are here for you....to guide and assist you along your road of discovery. A lot of us have/had wives and experienced what you are experiencing. The world is changing in to a Matriarcal society.....so...if you can't beat them...join them. Feel free to contact any of us girls for help and advice Vicky. I look forward to getting to know you better.
Dame Veronica
Welcome Vicky!