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I’m Ana, I’m a new member. I’m a girl and my boyfriend is a cross dresser. We’ve been together for almost 6 months and he told me since the beginning that he was a crossdresser. My first reaction wasn’t bad but it’s a new world to me that I’m learning to support and to learn about it. Everything is new to me and I’d love to know what people think and understand their perspective. I definitely love my bf and I want to support him.
Support from someone you love is so important for any endevor you undertake. My SO is very supportive. Would love to chat and answer any questions you may have. I know for me it can be difficult to explain what I would want my girlfriend to do to understand me. I love being treated as her girlfriend and just chatting about "girly" topics like clothes, makeup etc. Warm hugg, Ally
Ana, hi! I think it is just wonderful that you are willing to support your boyfriend in this journey! I am married and my wife doesn’t know I am a CD and I would love to have her support but fear she will not be willing to to accept this and me.
It is such a blessing that you two are together on your journey and continue to communicate!
Have a great day and chat anytime!
Welcome Ana. I have a supportive wife too.When I told her first fourteen years ago she was horrified.Twelve years later I dressed up in front of her.Since then she has been cool about my crossdressing.She buys all my outfits and advises me.We both ordered new girl clothes over the weekend.I tried a new skirt on today and she says that I look lovely in it.Her constant encoursgement and compliments mean an awful lot.If you wish to chat drop me a p.m.
Ana, welcome is so nice meeting you. Your a very special spouse and your boyfriend so fortunate. This is certainly the place you’ll find many of the answers you are seeking. Only a short while ago that I opened up to my wife after 40 years of marriage. It was a huge surprise for her and certainly very emotional. The biggest concern was the mistrust I caused. Seeing her and the hurt that it caused was hard. We had many talks and through this agreements and guidelines were set and together were slowly working it out. But Cdh and it’s resources helped my wife and myself understand more about our individual troubles. I learned more about myself and as it has been mentioned from others we have a wonderful group we have here exclusive for spouses where many GG girls like yourself could receive the help and support to get the answers your wanted to know. This group – private ( wives and significant others ) you will need to upgrade. But it's for you special ladies where Cders are not allowed. Meet with them and get the support you need. Look into other forms written by others who talk about their experiences, their questions they may ask with many offering help and advice so everyone can understand better on so many confusing topic . Many face this troubling ordeal but be assured you have support and help from everyone here . Relax, get comfortable and enjoy being part of this wonderful community that really does care for all that passes through our doors. The best to you both as you venture through these new paths together . Very happy meeting you and welcome.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Ana,
I’m in the same boat as you- my bf of 18months told me from the start about his crossdressing. On the surface, I’ve never had a problem with it. But it’s still an unknown, I’m confused, I’m insecure, and I’m not sure what it means to either of us, and where it goes from here..
Hello Ana,
Here is my perspective. My SO knows, is not very excited about it but thank heaven is still with me. I strive to insure that nothing I do, which includes the crossdressing, creates an unequal burden on our relationship. Crossdressing alone is burdensome enough on any relationship. Your SO dresses and bear in mind, in most cases dressing is not a matter of choice, your support is dearly appreciated. What you accept beyond that is your choice alone. Hopefully you will both arrive at a happy medium to allow your relationship to blossom. So glad you are here and as the other girls have said. There is a volume of advise available here from smart, astute been down the road girls who are very willing to help in any way they can. HUGS Mina.
Welcome Ana!
Hello and welcome Ana! You will lots of support and guidance here, both from crossdressers and SOs. First off, thank you for wanting to try to understand and support your boyfriend. He is lucky to have someone such as you who is willing to work through it. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
Thanks Emily.
Well. If you have an advice, I´d appreciate to cope with a situation that happened 2 days ago. I was talking to my bf and I saw he was looking for lingeries for selling online. Sometimes my bf buys me those lingeries online, so I thought they were for me. The thing is.. that same day we went for a walk on the shopping mall and the bra I saw in his computer screen was the same that I saw there on the mall. Of course, I thought it was for me. I went there and bought it.. for me. I was excited! When I got home he told me he wasn´t sure he wanted to see me dressed in that. So, I realized it wasn´t for me.. he wanted it for him. And I felt very bad .. I don´t want to use it! 🙁
Thanks for the answer. I´ve been reading about CD and I understood that it´s something people do when they´re very young. He says he wanted to stop it several times but he always ended up buying clothes again and feeling bad again.
By now we´ve talked and I told him I was ok with it, but I´m willing to understand more. I had those stupid stereotypes in my mind and I noticed I was very wrong. I feel bad about it, but I still can´t stand seeing him dressed as a girl. He has pictures but I think I don´t want to see them. By now...
Hey Nic!
Thanks for the answer. When my bf told me he was a CD I thought what he was doing with me. I thought he was gay. He is bi, but he took some months to tell me.
Hi Ana , welcome a safe & good place to be is CDH. Lots of valuable advice here.
Communication and patience is paramount , be honest with each other , you are allowed to say no to anything that you are not feeling good about. I'm a CD fortunately with a fabulous supportive wife , we've set boundaries that are comfortable for us. Every relationship is different , so discuss what works / doesn't work for you both, it's scary but definitely not insurmountable 😊 Tiff
Any questions anytime just PM me
Hi Ana,
I read your post about the bra purchase and ensuing confusion about who it was intended for.
I think this is definitely something you two should discuss. Boundaries and perspectives of each of you. I think it is more than wonderful that you are trying to be supportive of your SO’s CD wants and needs. But it would also be fair to expect that your SO gives you the same support.
Relationships are two sided and need equal effort from both members. I know you know this but just to reinforce, if you can have a conversation about what you are each expecting from the other, including what you want to be able to wear as well as your SO. She has to give you what you need too! It is a special thing to be accepting of your CD partner! I may get some push back from some of our members, but face the fact, acceptance by a partner of our CD needs and wants is rare and to be cherished and applauded! So in turn, your partner should be willing to pay attention to your needs also.
I hope I didn’t overreact to your post or misinterpret what you were saying. If I did please accept my apologies!
Hi Lilly , as another CD , I couldn't agree more nor express it better , I'd read this also & was trying to formulate an answer . You've done it , every relationship is a 2way street & the SO's needs/ feelings can't be suppressed 😘