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Hey Girlies!

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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I'm new here and wanted to take a moment to introduce myself and say hi to all you lovely ladies!

So a little bit about me: my name's Chris and, like most of you, I enjoy dressing up and feeling very femme and pretty! I enjoy it so much, in fact, that for the longest time I thought I was trans. I even came out, took hormones, and lived as a woman for many years.

At first this worked out pretty great - I was living the dream! But over time I came to realize that this wasn't right for me. You see, even though I was living perfectly fine as a woman, and people treated me very well, I always felt like I was pretending: like I wasn't a girl in girl's clothes, but a boy in girl's clothes.

So I did a little bit of soul-searching and decided to try being a cross-dresser instead. I got off hormones, cut my hair short, started dressing more androgynous for day-to-day stuff, and started treating dressing up as a special thing. And I found myself happy again.

Now, while this solved one big problem, if left me with a bunch of smaller problems. Like socially de-transitioning, for example, which is kind of a taboo thing, and something I'm terrified of doing. But also trying to determine how much to de-transition, because a big part of me feels like I'd be happiest being a full-time CD, going out en femme most of the time.

And this is what brings me here, to all you wonderful people! Because as I go on this adventure of becoming a CD, I'd love to have a home where I'm surrounded by other CDs, where I don't have to hide parts of myself or pretend, and where I can feel safe exploring my identity.

I'm excited to meet you all!




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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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@chrisdressing Hey Chris, welcome to CDH. Here you can be surrounded by CDs, you don't have to hide or pretend, and you can absolutely feel safe exploring your identity. That's exactly what we're all here for.

But what an extraordinary story you tell honey. I'm pretty sure we've never had a girl here who is de-transitioning before. I hope you make friends here and get the support and affirmation you seek, but it seems to me with your unique back story you will also be able to contribute and add your experiences to the girls' journeys here. It's lovely to have you with us girl.

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@chrisfp99 Hi Chrissie! Thank you the warm welcome!

Yeah, my "lore" is pretty out there, which makes me really nervous to share it, which in turn made me wait for months before deciding to join CDH, lol! But with this warm welcome, I'm pretty glad I finally did! And absolutely, I'm more than happy to share any details of my journey if it'll be of help to other girls!


Hugs back, Chris <3

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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
Posts: 1108


Welcome to CDH Chris!

 We are glad that you have joined us on your journey. We are about caring, compassionate and understanding group of girls in different stages of enfem experience expression. 

 We will assist you in any way we can. 

Welcome to the Pink Fog!

Fran 🥰 

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@gafran Thank you Fran! I really appreciate the warm welcome!

Also, I feel kinda silly asking, but: what's the Pink Fog?

At any rate, I'm happy to be joining it!


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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
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 The Pink Fog my dear Chris  is the feeling and the drive to dress. Like we were engulfed in this feminine cloud of Pink. 

 And no need to feel silly for asking. Your certainly not the first and probably not the last. That's what we're here for!

Girl Power!  🥰

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@gafran Oooooh I love it!!!

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Noble Member     Warner Robins, Georgia, United States of America
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Reputable Member     British Columbia, Canada
Posts: 198

@chrisdressing Well hello Chris…welcome…it’s a pleasure to meet you, and you are in the right place…I’m pretty new here too and it’s so nice, everyone is so friendly… I’d love to be friends and chat with you some … feel free to reach out…blessings…jo

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@joannajoy Thank you Jo! It's a pleasure to meet you too! I'll shoot you a friend req!



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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Welcome to the family, Chris! And thanks for your detailed introduction.

This is a very broad church, we have a diverse membership, in ages, experience and goals but we share our feminine sides here and everyone is valued. You are among understanding sisters and you are welcomed for who you are 😊.

There's loads to do and see here so just ask if you need any help with anything, we'll do our best.

Allie x

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@alexina Thanks for the warm welcome Allie! It means a lot!!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@chrisdressing Welcome to CDH, Chris!

I looked up GenderGP's detransitioning statistics and the numbers, in general, are small but not insignificant depending on the reasons given for doing it, and for the type and quality of each survey referenced.

Anywhere from less than half of 1%, up to about 8%. Apparently, there is a lot of disinformation coming from Russian-backed influencers, too, so we need to be careful of sources.

Regardless, I hope you find peace, acceptance and happiness here with us. Please, feel at home on CDH. 

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@harriette Thanks for the warm welcome and interest in the stats! It means a lot, but I wouldn't really trust any stats for at least a decade -Russian interference or not. Let me explain why: we're not "coming out."

The political climate is really fraught for trans people, and it's even worse for detransitioners. Because pro-trans people see us as a threat, which is kind of understandable because anti-trans people want to use us as tools (and they succeed all too often, by preying on people in a very vulnerable position).

Now, there are many layers to this problem, and I could go on about them for ages, but to try and stay on topic: imagine going through all of the trouble of transitioning - you change your name, your gender, you've told everybody, lost friends or family in the process, may have even had a number of surgeries, and now years later you realize you made a mistake and so now you have to go through that all over again - except this time with the specter of anti-trans sentiment haunting you. Not a lot of people are willing to go through that. Indeed neither of my two "detrans" friends are actually going to detransition because they don't see a way in which doing so will turn out for the better - in fact, they've both told me that I'm glad I came out to them because they have nobody else they can talk about this with.

This is also why I'm not sure how my own will take shape: I don't know how my peers will react, and I don't want to be used as a cudgel by horrible people to further erode trans rights.

So, to bring this back to the topic of unreliable stats: people are just not coming out and saying "I'm detrans," and so the numbers are going to be wildly undercounted until society evolves a little bit. Same reason a decade+ ago there weren't as many trans people as there are now.

So yeah, I appreciate you looking into the stats, but I'm afraid all they can really tell us right now is that we exist lol... And to end on a happier note, thanks again for the kind welcome!

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@chrisdressing Yeah, I am sure that detransitioning is way more complicated than even what crossdressing is like. For the most part, CDs are a hidden part of society that don't even tell their wives of families, yet. At least a person who has transitioned can be public about that they have done.

Being in any closet has to affect survey numbers. If we aren't able to be found, numbers will be skewed. Thanks for your perspectives and I hope that we can read more of them in the future.

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@harriette Oh don't get me started on how society treats CDs, my goodness. If there's one thing I will never forgive the LGBT+ movement, and the trans movement specifically, is how much gender non-conforming people (CDs, non-medicalizing trans people, etc) were vilified in the 2000/2010s, and how much they, ironically, enforced the gender binary. I vacillate on whether or not it was an actual necessary evil, but it has led to so many problems in recent years...

But there I go, ranting again! Apologies for that. I do hope to continue having the opportunity to chat with you!

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Noble Member     South Carolina, United States of America
Posts: 1013

@chrisdressing Chris, you’re very articulate in your writing which I appreciate. You’ve got quite a unique situation to share with us here on CDH. You definitely have found the right landing pad here and you will get a broad spectrum of wisdom from your kindred, spirited sisters🥰

Posted by: @chrisdressing

The political climate is really fraught for trans people, and it's even worse for detransitioners.

Man, I can remember a time when politics wasn’t a part of every aspect of life. I sure do miss those days.

Welcome to the Doll House girly🥰!



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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@gracepal Thank you Grace! I'm really happy to be here, kinda wish I'd joined sooner, lol!

Posted by: @gracepal

Man, I can remember a time when politics wasn’t a part of every aspect of life. I sure do miss those days.

OMG preach, sister!! I'm sure things will get better in time, and we'll be able to just be ourselves in peace again, but in the meantime we gotta stick with each other.

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Trusted Member     Alberta, Canada
Posts: 48

@chrisdressing Welcome Chris. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@catharineec Thank you for the kind welcome!

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5182


Hi Chris

Welcome to CDH ... I'm in Norfolk in the UK 🙂

I'm trans, so your very eloquent intro post was an interesting read for me.

I hope you love it here as much as I do. It's a wonderful place.



Ellie x

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@ellyd22 Hi Ellie!

Thanks for the warm welcome! I hope my post was interesting in a good way, without being dispiriting!

Still, what I've experienced from this place so far has been wonderful and I feel I'm in love with it already!

Biggest hugs to you!


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No ... not at all dispiriting!

I'm very happy and comfortable being trans and have no desire to change 🙂

Ellie x

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@ellyd22 ok, good, cus you look so friggin happy in your pictures, it's a joy to see!

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Thanks Chris ... I've never been happier.


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Reputable Member     Bromley, London, United Kingdom
Posts: 202


Hey Chris

Firstly a very happy new year to you and your family.

A very warm welcome to CDH. You certainly have a home here with a wonderful community of ladies.

Look forward to chatting and reading more about you and your journey.


Samantha x x 



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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

@misssamantha Hi Samantha!! Thank you for the warm welcome, and Happy New Year to you and yours as well!!

I really couldn't be happier that I joined, being around so many wonderful ladies is such a breath of fresh air, I can't wait to see what this new year brings for all of us!

Big hugs!!

-Chris xoxo

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Chris, 

Welcome to CDH it's nice to meet you, 

I'm a mature crossdresser I've been dressing most of my life since I was about 8 or 9 years old when I tried my older sisters lingerie on, 

I'm a UK girl so i can't meet up with you for a coffee and a chat I'm sure there are lots of girls near to where you live who will be happy to meet up with you, 

You can only do what's best for you hun, you feel better just being a crossdresser and not a trans and that's ok so don't be afraid because you don't have to explain your self to anyone you live your life for yourself and not others, 

Love Roz ❤️ 

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
Posts: 48

Thank you Roz, you're very kind!

It's super encouraging to know that there's wonderful, happy life-long crossdressers out there! Especially looking as great as you do!!

I know a meet up isn't in the cards right now, but I'd be delighted to chat more online and hear your stories!

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Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 2041


Your welcome Chris and thank you for having me for a friend, 

This is a great site for girls like us and the girls on here are fabulous if you need anything just ask and the girls will get back to you, 

Love Roz ❤️ 

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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Welcome Chris to CDH nice to meet you community here is amazing you find a lot of support and guidance here indeed 

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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@erinb Thank you Erin! I'm really happy to be here!!

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@chrisdressing 🤗

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
Joined: 7 months ago

Hi Chris, Welcome on board

    That is quite a story and an unusual one at that. Most of the girls here ( if they consider changing genders) are inclined to go towards being a "full time female" but you have already "been there and done that" and are now going back to the CD lifestyle. This is different than what I usually read about here and very interesting. Other than is "not feeling right" were there any other consideration that made you change your mind? Did the hormones have any negative effects that made you want to get off them?    Maureen

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@maureen76 Hi Maureen, thank you!

Yeah... I know there's a lot of de-transitioners out there (I'm friends with two!), but it's so taboo that none of us ever really talk about it. But to answer your questions: kinda, sorta, not exactly.

Hormones in general were fantastic: soft and clean skin, healthier hair, less body and facial hair, and a slightly curvier body were all very welcome changes. I think the only really bad thing from them was, for me, that they killed my sex drive. This, along with some gender identity issues, caused small relationship problems, and some larger psychological ones.

One of the more telling "not feeling right" things, though, was that I was never happy with the breast growth I got from them. At first I thought it was because they were too small, but now I realize it's because I'd rather have a flat chest and use breastforms.

Ultimately my decision to get off hormones was driven primarily out of a need to understand myself better and figure out who and what the heck I am. And, on balance, I think that I'd love to be on some sort of regimen that would give me the skin and hair benefits without any of the other changes; but I don't miss them enough to see if it's possible (though I am doing laser for my facial hair).

I know that was a pretty long explanation, and I'm sorry for going off, but there's just so, so much to it and this is the shortest "just the highlights" version I could write.


PS: no, really, I can go on about this for days lol

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
Posts: 958

@chrisdressing Hi Chris, Thanks so much for your honest and heart felt answer, I appreciate it and you. I hope you will find what you seek here. This iis a great group of people.   Hugs, Maureen

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@chrisdressing I just wanted to add, that your honesty and openness is very refreshing. I think no matter what you end up deciding to do, that you will do well and thoughtfully.---Hugs, Maureen

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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@maureen76 Well my track record on decision making so far isn't the strongest..! But I think that surrounding myself with this community will help steer me in the right direction! And thank you, so so much for your kindness, I really do appreciate it!

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Noble Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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@chrisdressing Of course Chris, stay in touch, if there's anything I can help you with---please let me know---good luck on your journey ner---Hugs Maureen

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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Hi Chris.

Welcome to CDH. A friendly, understanding and supportive community.

Thank you for sharing. 


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@firefly Thank you Gisela! I'm happy to be here! 🙂

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Hi Chris,

Welcome to CDH. It’s nice to meet you.


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@aliceunderwire Thank you Alice! It's nice to meet you too!! 🙂

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Estimable Member     St Louis area, Missouri, United States of America
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Welcome to this fabulous place. These wonderful ladies are so amazing. I hope you make many amazing friends.


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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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@jjennalove2000 Thank you Jenna! I hope so too! Everybody's already been so welcoming, I'm happy I finally joined!



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Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Chris, welcome to CDH and what an interesting story. It sometimes takes years to really find ourselves, sometimes we have to try things as much to see what we do like but just as importantly things we don't. Personally after a lot of research and thinking I decided medical transition was not for me, I am happy being who I am, I don't need to change my body to be happy. Yes it would be nice to have boobs, and some of the other advantages of hormones, but personally I don't think it is worth it, for me. 

I don't see why de-transitioning should be such a taboo subject, it should be out there because there is nothing wrong in finding the real authentic you. It may also help others understand that medical transition is not necessarily answer to all their dreams and problems. I wish you well in your future life and happy to chat about CD life on this side of the pond if you want to....xx

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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@andreauk Hi Andrea! Thanks for the super warm and understanding welcome! I agree 100000% with everything you said, every last bit of it. I agree so much with it, in fact, that I introduced myself with my detransition, lol! Sadly there's just too many anti-lgbt people out there, specifically anti-trans people, that love to point at us and say "see trans isn't real" and I haven't figured out how to deal with that successfully.

That said, I'm so, so happy that you figured out what you wanted before you took any medical steps! I wish I had done so as well, but I guess I'm a little explorer at heart. For what it's worth, you're not missing out on much with regards to boobs - they're neat and certainly add femininity, but they kind of get in the way a lot lol.

Anyway, thanks again for the super kind welcome, I'd absolutely love to chat more!!

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Hi Chris, Welcome to CDH. I think that you've come to the right place. Nothing wrong with just being whoever you is.

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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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@robertaf Thank you Roberta! It definitely feels like I've landed in the right place 🙂

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Chris -

Welcome to CDH.

Thank you for telling your story in such detail, especially for you explanation of what the hormone treatments did for you and how they made you feel. I'm sure it will help some here with making decisions moving forward. I look forward to reading more about your journey and hope that you will write some articles about your experiences. This is a topic I don't remember seeing here before.

Again welcome to the family and I hope you enjoy your time here.


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Estimable Member     Las Vegas, Nevada, United States of America
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@cdsue Hi Suzanne! Thank you for the warm welcome! I don't know if getting me to write about my experiences is such a good idea because then y'all won't hear the end of it! But I suppose I can try! In fact, and not to put you on the spot, but if there's anything in particular you'd like to know about, I'd be happy to write about it!



Posts: 1446
    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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Chris, welcome to CDH 🙂  What an interesting profile you have!  Yours must be an almost unique viewpoint on here, and thank you for talking so frankly about it.  But I guess at the end of the day you're still doing what many of us are doing, which is finding where on the male/female spectrum you feel most comfortable.  You're absolutely in the right place for that, where you can express yourself freely amongst supportive, caring and totally non-judgemental sisters.  I look forward to getting to know you through your posts, and feel free to PM anytime 🙂

Fiona xxx

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@finallyfiona Thank you Fiona! For the warm welcome and the understanding - because you're right, finding myself is exactly what I'm doing! It means a lot to me to be around people that understand with empathy and without judgement. And you know what, I might just take you up on that PM offer!



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Eminent Member     Thessaloniki, Greece, Greece
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Hello Chris. I am also new here. Happy new year. 

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Eminent Member     Thessaloniki, Greece, Greece
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I am excited to meet you too!

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@michellevla I'm excited to meet you too! And welcome to CDH!

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Illustrious Member     Montana, United States of America
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Hiya Chris nice to meet you as I'm a little late to your welcome party but happy you found and joined us girls here so with a wealth of knowledge and experience here to learn from do some looking around and reading pf the forums and posts from so many ladies here telling there stories about there journeys down the femme road they are on in life.,. s a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. When you become comfortable with us please join in with a story or two about the life and times of Chris as she travels down her own girly path in life,.. Now as for making friends here girl there are so many ladies from all over the world to build long lasting friendships with and best of all we are just a simple click away from you .. once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..

Stephanie Bass

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@fishingr8 Hi Stephanie!! Thank you so much for the warm welcome and the words of encouragement!!

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Big hugs Chris ..


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Welcome to CDH.

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@jessicacynthia Thank you Jessica!!

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