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I've been doing this since I was very young. Been through several cycles of buying and purging over the course of several years. I'm in my late 20s now, have a young family and am in the military, all of which makes it pretty hard for me. As a result, I am so deep in the closet I may have forgotten where the door is. Haha. I've browsed this and other forums before, but never joined any until recently. I have been on an overall journey of self discovery, everything from spirituality to cracking down on and purging negativity from my life. Hopefully through that journey I can come to terms and become comfortable with who I am. I look forward to learning a lot and getting to know folks on the forums! Have a great day!
Hello Ayla nice to have you aboard, and THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. i have been in your shoes years ago when i was about 12 or 13. no in my 50s. i was x dressing on and off till about my late 40s. i started with a pair of tights in a school play i was hooked. but then my x dressing went away for years. then came back. now i have my own collection of dresses, nylons, bras, panties, pads, perfume, make up. my wife knows of my clothing and knows i dress up, but will not help with make up or let me site in same room as her. when our last adult child is not home she tells me i can do what i like to do. well read my profile will tell more. in the mean time look around the site and hope you will come to terms with your feminine side. this is a lovely place to be and us girls are very under standing. have a good day.
Ayla, It’s wonderful to have you here with us in this wonderful community . Enjoy browsing through many of our well written forums, read about stories of others learn more on as they journey through their experiences. Many here to meet , talk with and for some develop wonderful friendships. A caring place I hope you enjoy being part of. Very nice meeting you
Stephanie 🌹
I get what your going through and how tough it is, being ex military my self, but hay looks like your moving forward. Any questions just ask.
All the best
Lucy Liz
Welcome to CDH Ayla.I have been there with the buying and purging cycles.Enjoy this great group.
Hi Ayala,
Hello and Welcome. It is really nice to meet you. I have been there with the purging, hope you find support and friendship here, I think you will.
Jessica x.
Ayla. All and all sounds like you just came upon a wonderful buffet. So many offerings. Go ahead and taste a few as you move about carrying your plate which already has some wonderful things on it. Don’t fill up on one thing. Go slow. Each table has something new...
Willkommen Ayla! Here at CDH you will find that safe space where you can express your true self. Enjoy the forums and the friendship of accepting girls just like yourself many still stuck in that closet
Welcome Ayla!