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My male name is Joe but I love going by Zoie. I am 31 years old. Im looking for new friends and people like me to help me get out in the world. My wife does not like my crossdressing so I have no longer been able to. Just want to meet people like me and live for my happiness.
Welcome Zoie to CDH. You will meet and make a lot of friends here.
Zoie, life at times just isn’t fair and sorry to hear about your wife's reluctance to your dressing. Losing what’s is important to one self makes a journey difficult to handle. Embracing the best qualities in life shouldn't take away opportunities to be happy but here at least enjoy the comfort knowing there's many here like yourself to chat with, and share stories and with some make wonderful friendships. Enjoy your time here and very nice to meet you.
Stephanie 🌹
Thanks life is sure not fair. My wife has made my life very difficult. She says she wants me to make it dissappear. She doesnt understand it doesnt work that way. I hope to meet new friends. Thank you for the reply.
Hi zoie !
Welcome to CDH ! The ladies here share their support, advice and tips with each other as well as experiences. Allow me to suggest that you take the time to learn how to navigate the cite. Read some articles and forums. Read some member profiles to see what kind of information people share to allow people to know them better. Most of all feel free to participate. We’re very friendly here.
Welcome Zoie!