Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi all, just wanted to introduce myself to all you lovelies 😊. My name is Haile and I'm a 21 year old from the Midwest. I've been cross dressing since I was around 15 and it has grown ever since. I now have a full wardrobe and plenty of other goodies that help me achieve the look I want! I do have your typical basic b white girl style, but it fits and I think I can pull it off pretty well! Despite me feeling comfortable with my look, I rarely go out or talk to anyone about it. But by joining y'all, I'm hoping it will help me accept who I am more and get comfortable in my own skin. I look forward to meeting you all.
Xoxo 💋
-Haile Baile
Hope to See you around
Haile, For someone so young you certainly got yourself well in tuned and very comfortable in your looks and feeling so good in one's skin, I agree. . A perfect medium, feeling accepting in our appearance shows confinance for handling new experiences. A key in expressing our feminine desires. Your here with us in this wonderful community . Enjoy browsing through many of our well written forums, read about stories of others learn more on as they journey through their experiences. Many here to meet , talk with and for some develop wonderful friendships. A caring place I hope you enjoy being part of. Very nice meeting you
Welcome. ..
Stephanie 🌹
Hello Halie and welcome! I am new here as well but everyone here are very supportive and loving! I hope to get to know you more!
Hugs, Taylor!
Hi there
Welcome haile
Cdh is special so many lovely girls to chat and support each other.
It has heloed me find and tslk to other cd..
Best wishes and enjoy
Sammatha. X
Hi Haile
Welcome, it is lovely to meet you. There are lots of nice people here who will offer friendship and support, I look forward to seeing you around the site.
Jessica x
Hi Haile !
Welcome to CDH !
Hello and welcome Haile! You’ve found a great place for advice, support, and acceptance. Enjoy!
Welcome Haile!
Welcome to CDH.Lovely to hear that you have a full wardrobe.Enjoy CDH