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Active Member     East Lothian, United Kingdom
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New to this. Been doing this for over a year now. I'm really disgusted with myself but having trouble stopping. I don't know why i do it. Curiosity?  I don't dress up a lot. I'm so ashamed I feel like an idiot. Sorry I'm a little drunk. 

Anyway hello! 


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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
Posts: 1709

Hey Suzie, absolutely no reason to feel disgusted. Your feelings are quite normal and you're not harming anyone. You're amongst friends here. Read the forums and articles. Ask questions. You're really very welcome. We're glad to have you in our welcoming community. Oh, gorgeous profile pic btw xx.

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2158

@suzie77 Hi, Suzie, firstly, you're not alone, as you'll see when you read our bio's. Secondly, there is no reason to feel bad about accepting whatever part of you enjoys dressing nicely.Try to think of joining CDH as your first step towards finding out more about this gift we've been given. There's no doubt that, in my case, Allie has increased my happiness potential exponentially and that Does spill over into the other parts of me. (Still, nobody outside of here, except my wife, knows about this). I read something a well known crossdressing comedian once wrote, "I'm 100% boy with some extra girl". I like that analogy. In any case, you'll find a warm welcome here.

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Reputable Member     Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom
Posts: 208

@suzie77 Hi Suzie welcome to CdH from another UK girl living in Somerset.

You won't beat it the urge and desire never goes away, that's from a mature secret crossdresser.

Enjoy the site.

Love Helena 

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5176

@suzie77 Hey Suzie

OK, I normally start posts to newbies with a cheery 'Welcome to CDH :)'

Let's skip that.

Sweetheart ... let's cut to the chase.


The only reason that it isn't considered completely normal by society is that everyone is so bloody secretive about how common it is.

Suzie ... you have nothing AT ALL to feel bad about. Crossdressing is part of you, and it's healthy to feel the need to express it. End of story.

You feel good in a dress. Well ,,, so what?

If other people have a difficulty with that, then that's THEIR problem, NOT yours.

Ellie x

(PS I've just read back through this post and it sounds more than a little angry. I apologise for that. Then again though ... why does society persist in making us feel so bad about who we are? IT'S JUST CLOTHES).


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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Posted by: @ellyd22

...why does society persist in making us feel so bad about who we are?

Fear and ignorance.  People fear what they don't understand and most won't do the work to educate themselves.

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Illustrious Member     North County San Diego, California, United States of America
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Posted by: @suzie77

I don't know why i do it

You could ask 100 CD's why and I doubt 1 of them can give you a solid answer.  As best I can tell we're wired this way.  I know I am.  There's nothing to fix and it isn't going away.  This is who you are and there's NOTHING wrong with you. 

Social conditioning tells us it's wrong.  That we should be ashamed.  But as so often is the case, "society" has its head up its ass.  People fear what they don't understand.  And most people don't care to learn anything about something that's far-removed from their everyday experience.

So what are you going to do about it?  Well, you learn self-acceptance.  Sure, that's easier said than done.  Yep, it's something you have to work on.  But you have to start somewhere and joining CDH was a damn good start.  This place changes lives.  Countless girls started right where you are and learned to live with themselves.  Some of us are living lives we could only dream of a few years ago.  I'm one of them.

Welcome to CDH!  Make some friends.  Get busy.  You'll be glad you did.




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Famed Member     Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, United Kingdom
Posts: 1497


Hi Suzie, welcome to CDH. Nice to greet another UK lass. I'm down in Tyne & Wear.

Please, do not beat yourself up about being a crossdresser. Any negative attitudes towards it are society's problem, not yours. The feelings you have about it are very common. As others have said, the urge to dress may come and go, but never leaves you. It's part of who you are. The whys and wherefores of it all are still largely a mystery.

CDH is a good place to help you explore your feelings, understand them and come to terms with them. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. There's no such thing as a silly question here.


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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
Posts: 827

@suzie77 Welcome Suzie. as others have already said Its how were wired but as well being ashamed is also how some of us are wired.  maybe brought up , religion ,  repression   , media , ignorance , or many possible other reasons. when I was young even though I knew I had these desires I still talked like everyone else just for fear of fitting in .  I have wished many times I could just see how many men out there are like us , but I think its safe to say we are the brave ones. overlooking all the programming we have been subjected to and saying to ourselves but damn it just feels good. I have said to myself so often how can something that makes me so happy be wrong. well thats because its not. but so easy to say vs practice . I am with you. My wife has known now for 2 years and is fine with it but I still cant bring myself to showing her river in real life she has seen pictures and we talk about it freely but damn why am I still so afraid. losing my manhood ? losing myself or maybe finding myself ? .  Sometimes I fear going too far down that rabbit hole to the point of no return. But i love my family and friends and what about my co workers. what would change if everyone knew.  But im so very tired of hiding so tired. Sorry Im mostly ranting about myself but Im hoping you can find some comfort in knowing your not alone.  Now im going to go have a coctail as well. 🙂  take care , Welcome and Have a great day. Cheers RC

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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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Hi Suzi.

Welcome to CDH.

You can find plenty of useful information in our forums and articles. You can ask about anything you need or have questions.It's nice to have you here. We are a wonderful sisterhood. Friendly, understanding and supportive.Here you can freely explore your feelings. Belonging to CDH has helped me to feel better about myself. It can do you a lot of good too.


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Illustrious Member     Near Burlington, Vermont, United States of America
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Hi Susie,

Welcome to CDH.  You have no reason to be disgusted or ashamed.  When those feelings consume you just tell yourself you are expressing who you are and there is nothing wrong.  It makes you happy and less stressed so that is good.


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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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Suzie -

Welcome to CDH


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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Don't be so hard on yourself. You tube has a lot of info to help you to become a little more understanding of what makes you, you. Welcome to CDH, you aren't alone.

Posts: 2041
Famed Member     Shrewsbury, Shropshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 3 years ago

Hi Suzie,

Welcome to CDH it's nice to meet you we are like one big happy family on here so don't be shy come on in and join the family, 

I'm a mature crossdresser I've been dressing most of my life since i was about 8 or 9 years old when i tried my older sister's lingerie on, I'm still in the closet to my family, 

There is no need to feel ashamed or disgusted with your self you tried crossdressing and you like it, we all felt the same way when we started dressing, if it's help and advice you need you have come to the right place,

I'm a UK girl too I'm down in Shropshire, I'm sure there are lots of girls near to where you live who will be happy to meet up with you for a coffee and a chat I'm sure you will find lots of friends on here so if you have any questions just ask and the girls will get back to you X

Hugs Rozalyn X 🤗

We are all sisters on here and we look after eachother X 

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Illustrious Member     Montana, United States of America
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Hi Suzie nice to meet you girl and happy you found and joined us girls here so explore our home its a wonderful place with many wonderful ladies here .. Read many forums from these ladies explaining there journeys in life as the women they are in life.. Have fun girlfriend and as a new sister and family member you are welcomed here with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. 

Stephanie Bass

Posts: 2
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Active Member     East Lothian, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Thank you all for the kind words and warm welcome 😊 

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Illustrious Member     Montana, United States of America
Posts: 6022

@suzie77 You are very welcome girlfriend..



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