Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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Hi everybody,
Stumbled across this website today and thought I’d see what it’s about.
Just say hi if you want to chat 🙂 Sarah xx
Welcome Sarah. This is a special place where ordinary people like me who live as males can explore and celebrate our feminine side without fear or shame, and help others do the same. Crossdressing has changed my life for the better and helped me find an inner peace.
Sarah , happy you found us. Browse our site and start enjoying all that we are about. The ladies here are wonderful and love to talk and offer help and advice if needed and always here just to listen if one wishes. In time make lasting friendships and know we're always here to share each other's experiences in our love for dressing. Very nice meeting and love to chat anytime.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Sarah.
Hug, Catarina
Welcome Sarah!!!!
hello sarah. welcome to cdh. here you will meet many great friends who will welcome you and more importantly be accepted. this is a great place to learn more and ask questions about your journey. you need never be alone now!
love fiona xxx
Thanks everyone for being so welcoming. I’m looking forward to chatting and making lots of new friends 🙂
Hi Sarah and welcome to CDH, this is an incredible place to find support and friendship. Please take a look at the inspiring and insightful articles and forum posts written by our members. There is a lot of amazing information to be found here along with our equally amazing sisters! Hugs, Michelle