Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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The truth is, girls, this is not the first time I am here, I have been here before and I left the site for reasons that I think we all already know, I wanted to get rid of all traces of my femininity from my life and live without these intense and wonderful emotions but at the same time in conflict with myself, now I have returned and I hope you can forgive me because I no longer want to live divided but in harmony and balance with my entire being
Welcome back Felicity and I am sure you will soon be in harmony with the girls here.
Welcome back! I too have left this site once before, but it's great to be back
Welcome back Felicity!!! I admit I am new here, but I have seen comment after comment from people who like you decided to pull away from this part of themselves. What I have found is an amazingly friendly and loving group of the most supportive ladies one could hope to meet! You will be most welcome here!!
Welcome back Felicity!
Well hi Felicity and happy to see you home where we always leave the light on the porch for you to find your way home.. Please look around as a few things have changed and girl rekindle old friendships and start some new ones as you know we love a good chat so don't be shy jump on in the water is warm and friendly chat soon girlfriend..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Felicity,
Welcome back to CDH.
Hi Felicity.
I am glad to have you back my dear girlfriend. I have missed you.
Bienvenida de vuelta, amiga.
Oh come on, Felicity, it’s easy to quit cross dressing! I’ve done it hundreds of times!
Oh good! I guess there was a language barrier! Welcome to CDH😍
thank you to all of you girls, read your comments was fantastic and emotional kisses to all girls here
- Hey Felicity! We were having a discussion about how global we were becoming! We had a girl from Belgrade and then from South Africa, lots from UK and USA and now your from Bogota! Pretty Cool!
Sure. Although she is many miles away, Felicity is the closest to me lol. And once upon a time our homelands were part of the same country. Here are girls from Australia and New Zealand too. We are really global, Sheryl. It's nice.
I love it! I lived in Panama for 4 years!
sheryl That is a reality, the growing number of women like us who are daring to be themselves and present themselves to the world as they always wanted to do, some openly and others like me partially but decisively to make themselves heard and present themselves to the world as person with dignity and selfrespect and acceptance