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Hi everyone! I'm Ellie! i've been here in the past but i was 17 and i hadn't read the guidelines properly so i couldn't stay and i'm sorry for that... but i'm 18 now and i'd like to be here again! if that's not allowed i'm sorry once again, as for a little about me, i've always loved crossdressing since i was like 8-9, always did it hidden away from everyone and thought i was a weird kid for liking it, but over the years i found out that i wasn't alone and that there's nothing weird in it, it's just the way i like dressing and feeling! i love cute stuff! i'm still hidden but i have been thinking about telling my mother about it, i don't think she would be angry at me since she was always supportive of LGBT causes and taught me to be supportive aswell, but anyways i guess that's it! thanks for reading all this hehe
Hi Ellie,
I'm new so no idea what you mean but Im sure you are welcome
Welcome from the North of the UK
Hi Ellie,
Welcome back to CDH.
Hi Ellie.
Welcome back to CDH, a nice place to be at anytime during your journey.
Hi Ellie,
Welcome back to this wonderful place!
Hi Ellie nice to meet you and happy you made it home we always leave the porch light on so you can find your way home .. Well girl as a new sister and family member you are re welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Keep looking around and rekindle old friendships and start lots of new ones just remember we all love to chat so don't be shy and by the way your English is just fine Once again girlfriend nice to meet you and hope to see you around for a chat sometime soon..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Ellie,
Welcome to CDH.
Welcome Back Ellie!
The girls here will provide much support and info and affirm that you are not alone on this journey.
Best Wishes,
Welcome Ellie!
I hope you enjoy CDH as much as I have! It’s a wonderful place to express your femininity!