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I started crossdressing about 3 weeks ago although it's been on my mind for a while. I've hammered my credit card and haven't had so much fun in years. I wish I'd started earlier, all those miserable hours standing in dress shops waiting for my SO to pick up every dress, put it back and walk out without buying anything. Fortunately, I'm not confused or lost, but I am so far in the closet I'm in danger of stepping into Narnia. So a big Thanks, to all the bigots and small minded cretins in the wide world who don't understand that it's not the clothes that make the person. Apart from the fact over the last millennia, men have worn make-up, wigs, dresses, tights and high heels . . . I'll just get off my soapbox now. I have a stable full of horses, all mares, and all very much full of oestrogen and oddly testosterone. I'm please to say that I'm happier now than I have been for many years.
… Heaven knows what my SO going to say.
Welcome Vikki! Thanks for joining and sharing your story. Dressing is fun! I'm glad you are happier now! Hugs. Jennifer
Well I managed to break the system so I've edit my intro in to a readable format -
So, I started crossdressing about 3 weeks ago although it's been on my mind for a while. I've hammered my credit card and haven't had so much fun for years. I wish I'd started earlier, all those miserable hours standing in dress shops waiting for my SO to pick up every dress, put it back and walkout without buying anything.
Fortunately, I'm neither confused nor lost but I am so far in the closet I'm in danger of stepping into Narnia. So a big Thanks to all the bigots and small minded cretins in the wide world who don't understand that it's not the clothes that makes the person. Apart from the fact over the last millennia, men have worn make-up, wigs, dresses, tights and high heels . . . I'll just get off my soapbox now.
I have a stable full of horses, all mares, and very much fully of oestrogen and oddly, testosterone.
So, I'm please to say that I'm happier now than I have been for many years.
. . . Heaven knows what my SO is going to say.
BTW - this textbox doesn't do cutting and pasting very well. 🙂
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Vikki welcome , happy to have you with us. Being just new you'll find our site most important as it will help you better understand what this means. I've been here close to 2 years and when I first arrived here I was very much like yourself, really new also. Dressing basically a month or so before joining here , opening to my wife around the same time so for me it was a very traumatic. But over a little time here meeting and talking to our ladies with their help and advice I began to feel more comfortable and at ease . Then I really started to enjoy what this place had to offer. Over that the happiness flourished and I'm emotions felt overwhelming as it has truly made me a better person ,mentally morally and a better understanding of my lovely wife of all these years. The very best to you as you move forward in this wonderful world and hope your SO will be there and accept the happiness that is seen in you.
Stephanie 🌹
Welcome Vikki!
Welcome Vikki!!!
I love you story and hopefully you to the same point I'm at right now in my life where when my wife and I are in a dress shop she asks me if I see anything I like.
Love and hugs,
Hi Vikki relax, and take your time, your new journey has just begun PY. x
Welcome. I am new to the group myself but have proudy been a crossdresser for 46 years.Have fun with your feminine side.Crossdressing is a major part of my life.I love the dresses,heels and the skirts and adore tights and panties.