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Hi all, i'm Kara
I'm totally new to this world, it's just a couple of months that i'm taking seriously my love for cd and being femimine.
Hope to find a lot of friends up here! 🙂
hello Kara nice to have you here at C.D.H. the best place on the web to meet others and learn more about the x dressing world.
Welcome Kara. You will meet a lot of friends on CDH who share your desires to dress and be feminine.
Kara, Being new to cding you’ll find our site to be most comforting . The girls here are wonderful and are so willing to give there advice and help in every way. Talk to some of them share each other’s stories and develop beautiful friendships . support is everywhere and with an acceptance to move forward in this life we have chosen. Very happy meeting you . Welcome. .
Stephanie 🌹
Thank you so much!
Everybody up here are showing me so much love, i already love you all! 🙂
Cara! What a lovely name! Welcome sister!
Welcome Kara!
Hi kara, I'm new to this too, would love to hear your story.
Welcome to CDH Kara.You have such a lovely name.
Sorry Kara that I misspelled your name! Klutz me! Lol
Hi Kara,
Hello and welcome. I am happy to chat at anytime if you want to get in touch.
Jessica x.