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Illustrious Member
Joined: 9 years ago

Not sure where to start lol

I like a lot of others have dressing since very young. Moms pantyhose starting the adventure. I am now 55 married 25 yrs 2 great kids and have never told anyone of my desire to dress. I have bought and purged clothes so many times I can’t count. We are almost empty nesters now and the desire is a little overwhelming. I do not wish to be a full time woman just enjoy feeling den sometimes. I can not ever tell my friends or kids that’s not gonna happen. But I really want to tell my wife and have some in the coming years .  Hope to talk to someone about this I guess that’s why I’m here. Anyways feel free to let me know your thoughts .

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Posts: 23
Eminent Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I understand your struggle! I like tto dress, and I also have 2 wonderful kids. I haven't come out to my wife, but I encourage you to feel out how open she is ton gender fluidity - and I hope you can share your desire to dress with her. Best wishes! XO

Posts: 2144
Noble Member     Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Stacy and welcome to CDH. Hi are in the same boat a lot of us were in. Only thing to do is to bite the bullit and start talking to your wife. Advice???? Well, take it slow and one step at a time to test the waters as it were. I wish you the best of luck and please...feel free to contact me after you first attempt and maybe I can assist you with the next one.

Dame Veronica

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Staci ,  your certainly right to say many here and myself included  have kept this quiet to ones self. Being married, friends, family it's something that had to be  hidden because of life itself .  With 4 children and now 6 grandkids it's truly a difficult situation for me also  . I too hadn't had the thoughts of wanting to  become a  full time woman  also but  discoving I do love dressing up and feeling feminine as it's so pleasing to  one's emotional mind. Being a empty nester did allow me to express myself more offern.  My wife  does know as I tell her a year or so ago. The desires were surfacing and I knew in time that I would be caught and now having the house to my self it well it's something that had to be done and soon,  so yes I did. She was confused and angry but in time with many talks and agreements  , a understanding  began to to developed  Stephanie was allowed to be . It was a difficult decision and very stressful but and one I hope in time you can experience. Having your significant other's acceptance is a wonderful feeling and much can improve in your life. One thing for me is having a strong relationship and no secrets. Yes I know this is a big secret and it was important in our dicussions . Being here and reading many if the articles really help me in making that decision and help from the ladies itself with their advice and tips certainly showed that opening  to my wife could   happen and did.  Help is everywhere and please asked. I'm here as many others to offer support  and be here even just to listen .  Staci weclome and enjoy your time with us. This is truly a place where the  people here really do care.

Stephanie  🌹

Posts: 1351
Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Staci,

I dressed when I was a lot younger and then did not for a very long time.  But once that urge came back and it felt like a tidal wave, I knew that I needed to be honest with my wife.  I got caught as a kid and really did not like the way that felt.  As Dame Veronica, wrote slow and steady is how I approached her and after what felt like an eternity, but in reality was not very long at all, I have been able to explore and express myself as Michelle. Been married for almost 12 years but together for close to 18.  If you ever would like to talk let me know.





Posts: 3150
Famed Member     Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Hi Staci,

You are welcome here all times.


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