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A little about me.. hmm. Well, I wrestled with the urge to slip into a slip and a pair of hose. As I've been getting older, it's the part of me that once rebelled against it that now is surrendering to the calmness, tranquility and comfort of my "inner lady" =}I really like that phrase and not sure if I'm transgender, definitely ready to find out though. As I lay here texting the letters to this post, the waistline to my hose and my 2 half slips really feel like "me" and the thought of being in the passenger seat has had a very big appeal to me, especially as I am getting older. Thank you all again for allowing me to post my innermost thoughts and feelings. I've wanted to for such a very long time. If any of you ladies have words of wisdom and insight, I'm most certainly listening. Going to have a secret cigarette as the relief of finally being able to post these words feels like such a great emotional release. I'll be back shortly Kind Ladies =}
One more detail as well. A bra that is filled with soft socks is always a must. Does this make me transgender?
Hi Silky,
Welcome to CDH! It is an amazing feeling when you can finally allow yourself to explore your femininity. And, used to do the socks in bra as well. Now have breast forms and still not sure where this journey will take me. But I know that the friendships and advice I have found here will be there to help! As I know it can for you as well! - Hugs, Michelle
Thank you Michelle =} I love that feeling of Hugs =} Your kind words say so much! I can't believe I hadn't found this site sooner!
Silky welcome , and thankyou for your warm comments. truly feelings that are felt deep inside. dapping in thoughts of transgender is a serious emotional feeling that you will have to discover in yourself. With our community here many of your questions to who you are , what it all means , where our paths may lead could be explained . exploring and understanding is so important to us and this wonderful place certainly helps. happy you had the courage to post this . I too experience the shyness and anxieties when I took the commitment and finally hit that enter key but after that a whole new world , a beautiful place of support and acceptance , a place I'm happy to belong . , a hurdle past and calm waters on your travels forward. very nice meeting you . Stephanie
You're Amazing! Thank you times 10! =}
Welcome Silky. I know exactly how you feel about coming out here. I recently did the same. As a long time dresser I can assure you that once you slide on your first hose, it's all over . You will never be able to stop. Never Purge is my first bit of advice for you. . Enyoy the ride on your journey to discovering who YOU are All the best. Mikayla
Hi =} Thank you Mikayla =} Anymore I just love to de-stress and bring out my inner lady =} I just love that phrase! You're terrific and I hope you know that because you really are =} I was a kid when I first started and over the years it kept coming back and now it feels like it's me on deeper levels than I could have understood when I was younger + I have the courage to buy what I need and not second guess myself. That feels like such a personal triumph in and of itself!
Thank you so much for your kind words and for being such a tender hearted lady =} I wish I could have a job where I could wear my "de-stressing outfit" a lady can dream can't she? Lol =}
You have the same past and experiences of most of us then from what you are saying. Your NOT alone here. I used to panic when shopping but after awhile you realize most people don't care what so ever .
I like the being able to buy online but was really in need of hose so went to a store the other day and whew! The weekend was relaxing to say the least!