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Active Member     New York, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

My name is Alexandra. I crossdress since I know there are girl clothes. Now 46 and happily married. I have the feeling my wife would understand, she was bi and still is in a way, but I am too chicken to tell her so far. But I do wear my leggings and a long sweater when she is around sometimes the sports-bra too, it’s comfortable and I actually don’t understand why leggings on men are not already socially accepted. I like to do yoga in my girl outfit, running is nice too, but the boobs fly out if you don’t use a good high impact sports bra. I like to go shopping, its fun watching other shoppers when you look for the perfect dress as men and asking them if there think it would look good on me. I like exploring my feminine side, I get closer to my inner feelings, thinking in a different way and be more open, I am almost all the time mentally in girl mode and enjoy it a lot. It also helps with my marriage, feelings, understanding and sharing a life together are much better as female/man in one. And yes, I totally understand how hard it is to find the perfect shoes and have the patient of hanging out in the woman’s department store for hours. 🙂 At work I always wear something feminine under my khakis and sweater, panties are so comfortable, nothing dangles around, leggings or pantyhose is always nice, depending on the weather. Sometimes a naughtier outfit too. Sorry got a little bit long but it’s nice to get it finally out.

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Hi Alexandra. Welcome to CDH. I hope you will like it un here. Lots of nice people with lots of different backgrounds and experiences in life, so I’m sure you will find some kindred souls.


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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
Joined: 8 years ago

Alexandra  welcome , it certainly does help to get this out . To enjoy our passion is wonderful when one has others to share the experiences . Having someone to talk to, to learn from and develop friendships with you'll find us a place of support and and a wealth of knowledge to better understand our love to dress . Hopefully in time you may find the courage to talk to your wife, tell her your true feelings . Telling my wife was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done but in time we worked things out and now I enjoy my   dressing and she's accepting more every day . She loves my softer demeaner and all the extra help around the house and my  ever more understanding of her opinions, her feelings and our relationship based on trust.  Trust a corner stone of  any marriage and much can be lost with  a trust  is broken. Best to you in your journey ahead.

Stephanie 🌹

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Hello Alexandra,

Sounds very familiar. So, feel welcome in our ever larger family. If you feel like a good chat, you're welcome to add me.

Hug, Catarina

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I like naughty outfits under clothes, in fact I like anything naughty. I like the word naughty and how it sounds....



Lisa 🙂


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