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Hi everyone. I have been dressing privately for over 5 years. Have ventured out in public to a TS night at a local NYC bar and loved every second of it. Making the transition from just going for late night walks en-femme to actual socializing was prob the scariest I could have ever imagined, until I started debating wanting to tell my wife or a friend. I am very scared she will not approve or that if I tell a friend, new will spread. Wishing I had someone to go out with as friends.
Hi Andrea I love your name.My wife knows about my feminine side and is very supportive.I have told my wife that I would like us to go out as girls.She is not totally comfortable aboout the idea but I think there is a chance we might do it.It would be a dream come true.A warm welcome to CDH sweetie xxx
Welcome to CDH Andrea! You will find a lot of support and friends here.
Andrea, yes always thinking about the wife’s reluctance to your desires to dress could be difficult in having that talk with her but here have many who you can talk to and understand your passion and here to help you in every way. As your dressing is away and without your wife's known you have at least have us here to enjoy the experience of being who you are in a community that really cares about everyone . Happy to welcome you and enjoy your time with us.
Stephanie 🌹
Hi Andrea,
Hello and welcome it is lovely to meet you. CDH is a warm and welcoming place where you will find friend happy to provide advice and support. I hope you find what you are looking for.
Jessica x.
In the NYC, Long lsland area you should not have too much of a problem making CD friends. Check out Femme Fever on Long Island. Get a makeover, attend a party or meetup and meet others.
Hi Andrea, I’m new too! Glad to have like minded girls! Everyone is so wonderful!
Welcome Andrea!
Hello Andrea and welcome.
I know how difficult it is even to consider telling your wife. But the more you do, the more you go out, the more clothes you buy, and socialize, etc.... the harder it will be for her to understand when she end up finding out... because she will.
Anyway, I wish you well, and enjoy your visits here.
Gaby ♥
Hi Andrea.
My name is Lyssa, 67 and live in Denver. Liked what I saw in your profile, jealous that you look so good and have such lovely dresses.
Write me back here. I've not been on a chat website in years, and opportunities to dress up are rare. But I keep buying little things here and there for times when I can go fully femme.
Happy to talk with other trans women about the fun (and hold your breath...) the thrill of getting dressed up. Not the slutty stuff, but the things we can flounce around the house in when we want.
Hi Andrea !
Welcome to CDH ! I am from Long Island so not too far. Probably 30 miles to Queens border. The ladies here share their support, advice and tips with each other as well as experiences. Allow me to suggest that you take the time to learn how to navigate the cite. Read some articles and forums. Read some member profiles to see what kind of information people share to allow people to know them better. Then perhaps edit your own profile so we can get to know you better too. Most of all feel free to participate. We're very friendly here.