Welcome to Crossdresser Heaven, a safe and welcoming place for everyone in the crossdresser community.
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CDH is such a warm, accepting and supportive community and I’m excited to be part of it. I’m a closeted crossdresser with a history of purging. Before purging I have always convinced myself that it was just a phase and wasn’t me. Time would pass but I always went back. I’ve finally started to embrace that I like to wear dresses, skirts, cute tops, paint my nails, etc. Why? Because it feels right, I like the styles and it’s part of me.
To society I’m a crossdresser. I’m not a fan of labels but am very proud to be part of the community. One that expresses itself and looks and feels fabulous. I’m excited to learn from a great group of ladies and also support others.
Hi Gabi. Welcome to CDH. It is a great place. I think we have a few things in common. I also crossdress in private and because it is a great feeling when I do it. I have learned to accept it. I also disagree with labels. They are harmful. I am usually on the defensive mode. Sometimes I confine myself too much; but this place has helped me to be more communicative. I have found good friends here. I hope you achieve what you set out to achieve here. Count on me.
Cinnamon kisses,
Girl you are not alone. I came out to a few coworkers and female friends.
I am working on perfecting my makeup.
Gabi , This certainly is a wonderful place and caring in every way. yes one may think at times that theses impulse's are just as you mention a phase but why do we feel to always come back. A question that likely has many answers and with more understanding it just causes more questions to be asked. here were all different in our transitions from closeted to the more going with no tags attached . In heart were all the same all enjoying a place of freedom to express and experience our passions in femininity. And with the support from theses wonderful ladies its a fun place to meet with friends and to enjoy. so nice meeting you. Welcome.... Stephanie
Oh Gabi....I am so glad you have found us to be a caring and safe haven for you. Now girl.....enough of this purging....hang on to your clothes.....you really want to be more feminine, ignore the "other side" that says no. What makes you happy is what you need to follow. Put on that new dress,put a song in your heart and do a happy dance. You deserve it!
Dame Veronica
Good morning Gabi.
What sweet sentiments!
Your story sounds very familiar to me.
Very nice to meet you.
Enjoy the forum.
I have purged before and regretted it. I found that being a cd moved me into a transfeminine woman. Who would have thought that?
Don't purge. I don't think the drive to CD or become a woman will ever leave.
Hey gurl!
Welcome! Whatcha buy lately? Is it cute? Go with your shoes? Tell us everything! 🙂
Welcome to CDH,
We are glad you are here.
Welcome to CDH,
We are glad you are here.
Hi Gabi,
Welcome to CDH! This is a great place to find support and friendship with so many who have similar stories. Also great chatting with you tonight! Look forward to hearing more from you. Hugs, Michelle
Welcome Gabi
Hey Girl....I and many of the girls here have experienced exactly what you have. Ive been dressing in different stages since my youth. Each stage progresses my crossdressing further, but anxiety and doubts always linger. Recently I was close to purging for the umteenth time . Fortunetly I paused , took a step back and thought about everything involved. I took a little time off from dressing ( not completely ... I still wore panties everyday) slowly the doubts disappeared and I was delighted I didn’t throw everything away . Will this happen again .. probably .. but hopefully next time I’ll do the same thing. Being a relatively new member here is probably the reason I handled it different this time ... I can see now I’m not the only girl to experience those feeling and that goes a long way
Welcome Gavin!
Hi Gabi.I had a history of purging stretching back to the first time I purchased womens clothes at the age of 21 right up until 2011 when I told my wife that my feminine side was very much a part of me.I have never purged since.My wife is cool about my dressing now.She buys all my clothes and hosiery.I have quite a wardrobe of lovely female clothes now.Great that I can wear them in front of my lovely wife now.It's cost us a fair bit of money but it's well spent.So heartbreaking to think how much money I wssted on purging.Before I got married,I was living at home and my mother found a huge stash of my pantyhose/tights.I had to lie and ssy thst they belonged to my then girlfriend who later became my wife.It had a profound effect on me.I would often shop for dresses tights and shoes but no sooner thsn I had bought them the guilt would set in and I would promptly throw everything in the bin as I was so scared to smuggle my purchases passed my parents.So glad thst purging is now in the past forever.