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Hi Everyone
My name is Kirsty and I'm from the Black Country in the West Midlands. I came out of my closet and started dressing in April 2023, since then, I've made some good friends, whilst having a little fun on the way. I'm currently dressing at least twice a week in order to socialise at various groups and meet others I already know. As regards my appearance, I much prefer to appear casually attractive and don't like being overtly glamorous or sexy.
Just here to chat and perhaps make some friends on the way,
Kirsty Blue x
Hi Kirsty.
Welcome to CDH, where you will find a friendly, understanding and supportive community.
Welcome, Kirsty! There's a lot of acceptance and support here, but there's a lot of fun, too. Happy you can join us.
xo, Nikki
Welcome to CDH Kirsty 🙂 Another UK girl here, there are a few of us around. Lucky you being out with regular social activities, looking forward to hearing more!
Fiona xxx
Hi Kristy!
hi Kirsty. you will have seen there's a few of us UK girls. Further north myself. have fun and enjoy.
Mel x
Welcome aboard Kirsty!
Hi Kristy nice to meet you and so happy you found and joined us girls here so look around and ask many questions and do some reading of the forums and posts.. As a new sister and family member you are welcomed with open arms into our home as well as yours now also.. Well girlfriend you are not that far away from me well maybe a few miles anyhow im in Montana USA ha ha .. So across the pond dont be shy and know we all love to chat so have fun and hope to see you around for that chat sometime ..
Stephanie Bass
Hi Kirsten,
Welcome to CDH from across the pond.