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Hi all,
I am Emily from London, I'm 45 and just returning to allowing myself to be in the world after a bad experience in my early 20s.
I love the feel of being dressed and although I only get the chance whilst away from home, the planning is exciting and makes me happier than I have been for years.
I definitely need some help - I'll never be passable (for all sorts of reasons) - but ways of minimising the look of hair (I can't shave) and how to make myself up are some of the reasons I'm here.
Emily xx
Welcome Emily!
hello and welcome to C.D.H. try on a wig to give you that feminine look of hair, ever try make up? how about nylons to cover up the hair on legs, being nervous is part of it, hiding it from others but getting all dolled up is exciting feeling of being female. the feel and look. i have been x dressing for many years on and off now on more then ever when i can.
Emily welcome, many of us here wish we were more passable and may be discouraged of themselves. That's certainly not the feelings that should plague you. As mentioned wigs are amazing for hair problems and makeup, even just a little will transform even the scruffiness of complexions. Practice is important and dressing well cover up the bad parts. With a little help from ladies like yourself here learn more on the how's and do's and slowly you'll feel better about being who you are. What's important is that it's not how you may look but how you feel deep inside. Look into our forums, there you'll find help to better understand more of this fascinating world. Ask your questions and received the advice, ideals and tips to improve your experience. We all need encouragement and here is a place of support to do just that. Very happy meeting you and the best to you moving forward.
Stephanie 🌹
Thank you Stephanie, you are right that how I feel is the key - I feel alive since Emily took back some control.
I will be absorbing the advice from the other girls here to help me do better.
What a lovely welcome
Emily xx
Welcome Emily!
Hello and welcome Emily! Lovely name by the way. 😉
You have come to the right place for advice, support, love and encouragement. Enjoy the journey! And don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Thank you so much Emily. I am floating on all the love I’ve already had from the girls on this site. It’s a wonderful feeling xx
Welcome to CDH Emily.Feel free to message me.I am very friendly and adore chatting to the girls on here.